How to Get Your Dog Into a Commercial
How to Get Your Dog Into a Commercial
To get your dog into a TV commercial, you must first make sure that it's ready for task. To fully prepare your dog for the acting experience, sign it up for obedience training, complete the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizenship program, and register for an "animal acting" class. Get your dog groomed so it can look its best, and get it acclimated to new people and crowded, hectic environments. To get your pet noticed, sign up with a pet agency, upload a cute video of it on social media, or respond to online ads for pet casting calls.

Training Your Dog

Sign your dog up for basic obedience training. Before your dog can be considered for a commercial, it is crucial that it attends obedience classes. These introductory courses teach dogs basic compliance to commands telling them to sit, stand, down, stay in position, and come when called. Make sure to choose a trainer approved by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT), listed on the council's website at

Teach your dog hand signals. Hand signals can be useful for a dog to follow on-set, when verbal cues may not be possible. To teach your dog basic hand signals, use cues (with the influence of treats) that will then become the hand signals. For instance, teach a dog the "down" hand command by holding a treat in front of its nose and drawing it down towards the ground, having the dog follow it. After repetition of this exercise (varying between dogs), the motion itself will serve as the command and it will be clearly understood by your pet. Other hand signals to try include: "Sit" "Stand" "Heel" "Spin" "Go to your crate"

Complete the AKC Canine Good Citizen program. The American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part course aimed at rewarding dogs with solid obedience training and good manners, both at home and in their community. This certification is a good foundation for the training your dog will require to get into show business, and is available to all dogs, regardless of breed or age (provided that they are fully vaccinated). Visit the AKC website at to find clubs and training programs near you providing CGC training.

Book an "animal acting" class. To really solidify your dog's training, consider signing it up for an acting class to learn entertainment industry tricks like finding a mark on the set floor, cocking its head, and waving its paw. Classes are offered by some dog training venues and pet agencies, and can be a costly investment in your dog's acting career. Look online for courses available in your area. For instance, the Hollywood Paws agency in Los Angeles, California offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses in animal acting. Each level costs $995.00 and is comprised on 6 courses (totalling 7.5 hours).

Making Your Dog Set-ready

Bring your dog to the groomer's. Get your dog looking its best by bringing it to the groomer's for a wash, hair dematting, haircut, nail trim, scissoring of feet, and pad shaving. If your dog is not familiar or comfortable with the experience, bring it to the groomer's for a quick visit where it does not receive any actual treatments to get it used to the sounds, tools, and overall environment of the establishment. When you return, be sure to bring treats to reward it for good behaviour.

Bring your dog to crowded, busy venues. In order for your dog to be ready to star in a commercial, it must be steady around distractions that might be an issue on set. These distractions could include big bright lights, noise, and harried people milling around. Get your dog used to this type of atmosphere by bringing it to equally distracting places when permitted, such as: Dog-friendly cafes or restaurants Pet stores (like Petsmart or Petco) Hardware stores (like Home Depot or Lowes) Evening softball or soccer games at a local park

Introduce your dog to new people. In preparation for the potential experience of filming a commercial, have your dog meet and interact with new people as much as possible. Socialization may ease its trepidation around strangers, and this comfort will make your dog more composed and comfortable on a commercial shoot. Be sure to assess the comfort level of individuals with your dog before prompting it to be friendly to them. It is your job as your dog's owner to protect it in social situations. If someone gets too close or behaves inappropriately to your dog (e.g. aggressive teasing), correct the human and ask them to back away from your pet. This will show your dog that it's being protected, and doesn't need to protect itself or you by getting aggressive.

Getting Your Dog Noticed

Look into pet agencies. Hiring an agent is a good way to get your dog noticed by big time casting agents. While having an agent is not necessary to get your dog into a commercial, it can help to facilitate connections between dog owners and producers, as well as other entertainment industry professionals. Look online for pet agencies near you, or for an agency that you'd be willing to travel to. Le Paws pet agency in Southern California, for example, hires dogs for commercial work, TV and movies, and print ads, including some out-of-state applicants.

Make a cute viral video. Cute videos of animals are a staple of social media and can go viral incredibly quickly. Record a fun or impressive trick done by your pet, or compile a series of endearing moments into a montage video and post it online (via YouTube, Facebook, or another social media site). Ask friends to share the video on their own social media accounts and watch the video spread. Be sure to adjust your privacy settings to public when posting this video so that it can be easily shared and spotted by people looking for canine talent.

Respond to online casting call advertisements. For a direct approach, look for online ads for TV commercial casting calls near you and respond by email, adding a few pictures of your dog if possible. For instance, visit for auditions being held in your area that might apply to your dog. Sites like Craiglist might also offer opportunities for your dog to act in a commercial, albeit a smaller, lower budget one (e.g. an ad for a small, local business).

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