How to Get a Boyfriend in Primary School
How to Get a Boyfriend in Primary School
Primary school is an age that most assume is too young to date. If you like someone, however, and you're willing to put in a little work, you can get a boyfriend at this stage. This article explains how.

Finding a Boy

Look for a crush. Don't just look for a boyfriend just because all your friends have got them! Crushes are the first place to look for boyfriend potential. After all, crushes are all about thinking they're date-worthy. And don't think of a celebrity as your boyfriend, because odds are you'll probably never date them (so get off the idea of dating Aston Merrygold or Taylor Lautner or whoever it is you dream about). Go for boys you're fairly familiar with, like your next door neighbor's son or a boy in your class.

Make sure he's available. If he's dating someone else that means he's off limits. He may tell his friends that it's casual, but girls are much more sensitive and think things like love are always serious. So ask the people closest to him first if he's with somebody to avoid a huge fight

Getting To Know Him More

Get friendly with him. Get to know this guy without any agenda first before you ask him out. Find out about what he likes, dislikes, wants to be when he's older, even his favorite TV show! Maybe you'll find that you have things in common. Volunteer to do projects with him if you're in the same class. Be casual about it. You may learn that you like or dislike the same things, and projects are a great way to get close to someone. Reader Poll: We asked 404 wikiHow readers, and 55% of them agreed that the best way to get to know someone you like is to hang out in person. [Take Poll]

Find an event you can both be at. Special things like the school disco or the Halloween party are great events to float the idea of dating. This means both you and that special boy will be familiar with the surroundings. Plus, you have some friends there to turn to if the date doesn't go so well (fingers crossed it won't, though).

Asking the Boy To Be Your Date

Be confident. Before you pluck up the courage to ask this boy out, relax your arms, clear your face, speak up and smile. This will indicate that you're approachable and bubbly when you come to meet this boy. Boys don't really fancy girls who hide behind their hair and are too shy. They like girls who stand out. Make yourself known. Make sure you're clean and look pretty if/when you ask him out. In fact, make sure you're clean and pretty whenever you see him. You never know when he might pop up, so be prepared. Remind yourself, if you're nervous, that it's only a boy. You may have a big, fat crush on him — and he's probably adorable — but it's not a big deal if you mess up or he says "no," for whatever reason. You're special, and other boys would be lucky to have you. Ask him yourself. Don't get a friend to do it. You'll make a bigger impression on him if you ask him yourself. Decide whether you want to ask him in person or over IM or Facebook or the like. In person is probably best, but if you're super nervous, you can do IM in a pinch.

Make the situation comfortable. One of the biggest mistakes a girl can make is to pass the boy a note during class. This boy will almost definitely tell all his friends about it, and we all know what boys are like — they'll hound you about it! If he's alone, tell him you want to ask him something and go for it, head on! (Hesitation tells him that you might not be able to hold a conversation.) However, if he's with his friends, ask him to talk to you in private and ignore his friends if they start to snicker. You don't care, right? You only care about the boy, not his friends.

Moving Your Relationship Forward

Be happy if he agrees. If he says yes, keep your cool and smile. But don't get too laid-back, he'll think someone dared you to do it and it'll hurt his feelings; boys aren't as confident you think! Even a little "Really? Cool!" or "Great!" will make this boy think you're even more committed and cute, both personality- and appearance-wise. And before you go off squealing to your friends, ask him if you can tell people about it so he has some say in this new relationship. Make him think he wears the pants, even if he doesn't!

Be friendly to his friends and introduce him to your friends. If you're now dating, then get to know his friends and tell your friends the news.

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