How to Exercise Without Joining a Gym
How to Exercise Without Joining a Gym
Gyms can be stuffy, expensive, or just downright inconvenient. If you're looking to get fit without getting a membership, look no further: we're walking you through a complete list of all the best at-home workout ideas. There's something for everyone! Whether you're looking to do some cardio, build strength with bodyweight workouts, or get fit without realizing, we've got just what you need. To learn how you can get a workout without hitting the gym, read on!

Working Out At Home (Cardio)

Go for a jog. Keep your body stacked (or, in a straight line). Make sure that as your feet strike the ground, they're in line with your torso and your knees are slightly bent. Focus on your hips, too; make sure they're even and forward-facing. Try an interval workout if you're new to running (because taking frequent breaks will make it easier to build your skills and stamina)! Health benefits: Jogging can help you to maintain a healthy weight, strengthen your bones, and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

Shadow box. Boxing without a partner or equipment is called "shadow boxing." Throw jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts, punching at the air in front of you. Once you nail the basics, throw in defensive moves: bobs, slips, and bobs and weaves. For the best fitness effects, focus on staying light on your feet and being in constant motion. Health benefits: Shadow boxing improves balance, coordination, and strength in your upper body.

Dance your heart out. Grab a killer playlist and dance the day away! For best fitness effects, move your body much as possible. For even more of a challenge, try holding weights or adding step-ups. Or, search online to find tons of guided workouts and Zumba videos to exercise with. By grabbing a friend to get moving with you, you can make your workout even more fun. Health benefits: Dancing improves your blood pressure, cardiovascular fitness, and endurance.

Practice yoga. To get your yoga on, all you need is a can-do attitude and a yoga mat (or, in a pinch, a soft floor!). If you’re new to the practice, work on beginner poses—try the tree pose or stretch out with the triangle pose. Search for a video online and follow along with your guide. It'll feel like the yoga studio's been transported into your bedroom! Health benefits: Yoga increases your flexibility, builds muscle tone, prevents injury, and even reduces stress.

Do barre exercises. With nothing more than a stationary bar, wall, or piece of furniture to hold, you can get started on an at-home workout sure to challenge you and build tone. To practice barre from home, alternate between knee lifts, ballet squats, and deep lunges. And be prepared to feel sore. Barre is an awesome workout for all of the little muscles you don't use regularly! Health benefits: Barre improves posture, mental focus, muscle strength, and endurance.

Jump rope. For this fun, challenging workout, all you need is some cleared space and a jump rope. This is a full-body workout, so the benefits are huge. Try jumping in quick cycles for 3 minutes, then resting for 1 minute. Just be sure to keep your jumps low, because this will keep the pressure off of your joints and bones. Health benefits: Jumping rope strengthens your bones, improves coordination, benefits your heart health, and increases stamina.

Use a rowing machine, treadmill, or stationary bike. Don’t want to join a gym? Bring the gym to you! Buy an effective exercise machine and get your sweat on right in the comfort of your own home. Different machines have different strengths (pun intended!), but on the whole, you can expect a rowing machine to be a full-body workout, a treadmill to help with weight loss, and a stationary bike to be a great, low-impact workout. Health benefits: Improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, and even your mood!

Bodyweight Exercises (Strength Building)

Try wall sits. To perform wall sits, lean your back onto any wall in your home. Slide your back down the wall, and walk your feet forward. When your back and legs form a 90-degree angle, stop and hold your position. Then, keep your back, upper body, and head flat against the wall with your feet flat on the ground. You're doing a wall sit! Health benefits: Wall sits work your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Workout idea: Try 2-3 rounds of wall sits, holding your form from 30-60 seconds (and less time if you're not able to go for that long). Variations: For more challenge, try lifting a leg off the ground, holding free weights, or holding a medicine ball between your legs.

Practice squats to improve lower body strength, power, and speed. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Push your hips back and bend your knees, as if you're preparing to sit in a chair. Keep your back straight and drop until your knees make a 90-degree angle. Then, using your leg and glute muscles, push yourself back into a standing position in a single, explosive motion. Health benefits: Squatting builds strength in your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and back. Workout idea: Keep it simple! Try 50 bodyweight squats when you get up in the morning for a quick burst of energy. Variations: Try one-legged squats, practice jumping squats, or add weights to make this exercise a bit harder.

Do chair dips. Stand directly in front of a bench, chair, or couch, facing in the opposite direction. Reach behind you, grabbing onto the seat's arm or base. Extend your legs and keep them straight, so you're resting on your heels. Then, lower yourself down, bending your arms as you do this. Use your arm and shoulder muscles to propel you back up. Health benefits: This exercise will strengthen your triceps, pecs, back, and core. Workout idea: Try doing 3 sets of 10 reps and then a final set until “failure” (or, until you can’t do any more). Variations: If chair dipping with extended legs is too difficult, move your feet in and bend your legs to a 90-degree angle.

Hold a plank position to build strength. Your core is a super important part of your overall health, and planking is a great way to improve your strength there. With your forearms flat on the floor, directly under your face, hold your body in a straight, horizontal position off the ground. Your core, arms, and shoulder muscles will work to fully support your bodyweight. Don’t let your knees or legs rest on the ground. Health benefits: Planks build core strength, improve posture, and reduce the chance of other fitness-related injuries. Workout ideas: For a quick exercise sure to get your core burning, try 3 rounds of 1-minute planks. Variations: Try a high plank or practice side planks to work out additional muscle groups. EXPERT TIP Laila Ajani Laila Ajani Fitness Trainer Laila Ajani is a Fitness Trainer and founder of Push Personal Fitness, a personal training organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 10 years as a trainer and exercise specialist, Laila has expertise in competitive athletics (gymnastics, powerlifting, and tennis), personal training, distance running, and Olympic lifting. Laila is certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), USA Powerlifting (USAPL), and she is a Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES). Laila Ajani Laila Ajani Fitness Trainer As a beginner, you want to improve your strength and endurance. Begin with exercises such as lunges, bench presses, and ab workouts like crunches or planks. Adjust your workout to your fitness level to avoid injury and achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively.

Build arm and chest strength with pushups. To complete a pushup, lay flat on the ground with your hands laying flat next to you (just wider than your chest). Then, with your toes holding up your body's bottom half, use your arm strength and push your bodyweight off the floor until your arms are straight. Continue lowering yourself down (but not all the way to the floor) and propelling yourself up again. Health benefits: Pushups strengthen your abs, arms, hips, and legs. Workout ideas: Pushups are great at the end of a workout. After you've finished other exercises, try 10 pushups (or however many you can do!). Variations: If you can't complete full pushups, rest your knees on the ground and perform them from this position.

Work your core by doing mountain climbers. Start in a high plank position (or, hold your flat body over the ground with straight arms). Lift one leg off of the ground, bending your knee all the way to the middle of the chest, and then return your leg back to its position on the floor. Continue alternating between legs like this. You've just mastered the mountain climber! Health benefits: Mountain climbers are a great low-impact exercise that increase core and hip flexor strength. Workout ideas: Set a 6-minute timer. Perform mountain climbers for 20 seconds at a time and then rest for 10. Variations: Try crossbody mountain climbers. Instead of bringing your knees straight forward, bring them across your body and twist your core.

Try lunges to build glute and leg strength. Take a step forward and slowly lower yourself to floor by bending your front leg. When your bent leg makes a 90-degree angle, stop. Then, using your leg muscles, push yourself back up to a standing position. Alternate between legs to get an equal burn. Do this lunge exercise again with your other leg. Health benefits: Increase your range of motion while building leg and glute strength with lunges. Workout ideas: Head outside (like to your local football field), turn on some music, and do walking lunges for 100 yd (300 ft). Variations: Try a jump lunge to make the exercise harder and to improve coordination.

Getting Fit Without "Working Out"

Bike to the office. Looking to get fit without making extra time for exercise? Get your workout on the way to work. Grab a bike, a helmet, and clothes you're comfortable cycling in—and you’re good to go. Not only can this increase strength and cardiovascular fitness, but cycling can even strengthen bones and improve joint mobility. This practice isn’t just great for your health, but as an added bonus, it’s great for the environment, too. Keep in mind that when you arrive, you may need to freshen your look. Bring a towel, a sweatband, and a fresh change of clothes in with you!

Walk to get coffee, groceries, and food. Next time you run your errands, give your body a nice workout as well. Who says you have to drive to the store? If you have shops close enough to your home, make traveling on foot your new habit. On top of standard health benefits, walking can increase your mood and your energy levels. It's also great for weight loss! Lugging around your groceries is like walking with a weight—talk about a win-win!

Join an intramural sport. Looking for connection, fun, and fitness? Do sports with your friends! Grab a team of people you love to hang with, sign up for a league, and enjoy getting healthier every day. If you're not sure how to get started, visit your county's parks and recreation homepage. Choose a sport that you’ve done in the past or try something totally new. Set up practices for your team—that way, you’ll become competitive and get extra fitness in at the same time.

Hike in your free time. Time spent outdoors boosts mood and lowers stress levels—so fitness is just the cherry on top. Search up great hiking and walking spots in your area, pack a backpack, take a friend, and hit the trails. If you’re into nature, choose an area where you can bird watch or keep a field journal, too. Or, turn your hiking trip into a camping adventure. Walk to a gorgeous spot, pitch a tent, and camp overnight.

Take the stairs at work. Swapping the elevator for a few flights of stairs can increase your strength, burn calories, and increase your cardiovascular fitness. It may not seem like a huge change, but over time, this quick burst of exercise will start to improve your health. Whenever you can, choose the stairs over the elevator—you'll be working out without even feeling it! Walking up stairs actually burns more calories than jogging (seriously!). Stair climbing can also reduce your stress levels, so you’ll head into work feeling calm and refreshed.

Clean your house, garden, or start DIY projects. Keep moving throughout the day, and it could have huge health benefits (like lengthening your lifespan and limiting your risk of heart disease). Get productive while you promote body fitness through these fun ideas: Finish outdoor projects like weeding, gardening, painting your home, organizing your shed, or repaving your walkways. Give your home a spruce. Reorganize your furniture, clean your home, or dust your furniture. Take on a big craft project. Create a flower wall, paint a mural, or pull together a time capsule. Have fun while you stay moving!

Eat well. If you’re not into the gym, stay healthy by eating a vitamin-rich diet instead. Try to mix up your meals and cover all the basic food groups. Focus on getting enough fruits (4-5 servings each) every day, and do your best to limit salt and lower your sugar intake. Follow some of these tips: Make smoothies in the morning that can help you get in your daily vitamins. Bake and roast your foods instead of frying or grilling. Replace sugary drinks with lots of water. Eat less fast food. Try to incorporate a new, healthy meal into your routine every week. EXPERT TIP Laila Ajani Laila Ajani Fitness Trainer Laila Ajani is a Fitness Trainer and founder of Push Personal Fitness, a personal training organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 10 years as a trainer and exercise specialist, Laila has expertise in competitive athletics (gymnastics, powerlifting, and tennis), personal training, distance running, and Olympic lifting. Laila is certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), USA Powerlifting (USAPL), and she is a Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES). Laila Ajani Laila Ajani Fitness Trainer Losing weight without regular exercise is possible. To lose weight, you must control your caloric intake. It's a crucial step you can't skip. Ensure that your diet is well-balanced and contains foods that are low in calories and high in nutrition. Additionally, try increasing your daily physical activity to burn more calories.

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