Open the wrapping very carefully.
Pull off the brown part gently while unwrapping the gold layer without tearing it. Unlike other wrappings, this one is not only too good to be destroyed but can amuse you in your idle hours if you are into origami and paper folding.
Absorb the visual beauty of the perfectly spherical, divine nut-sprinkled surface.
Inhale and soak in the aroma of the hazelnut chocolate that gently tickles your nose.
Move into the eating part of the experience. This step varies from individual to individual but there are two broad approaches under which most individual techniques fall: If you are patient by nature, and prefer to savor something good slowly, then you will want probably to take the "layer-by-layer" approach. If you are a person who likes to take in something wonderful all at once, then you might take the "pop-it-in" approach.
The "Layer-by-layer" Approach
Start by carefully nibbling or licking the topmost layer (chocolate mixed with nuts).
Continue by savoring the next layers, consisting of wafer and pure chocolate. Whether you prefer to savor them separately or together is entirely up to you. The crisp wafer and the melted chocolate complement each other, no matter how they are consumed, opening the way to the toasted nut at the center. At this stage, "layer-by-layer" believers most often take a break to simply let their senses soak in the experience before reaching the climax.
Put the nut right into your mouth fully and crunch it down.
The "Pop-it-in" Approach
Start by popping in the entire Ferrero Rocher candy in your mouth.
Sink your teeth in so that outermost layer and the wafer layer crack, spilling the liquid chocolate into your mouth.
Roll the nut over in this tasty mixture till all the chocolate dissolves and all the nuts are finely ground by your teeth.
Swallow (be careful to swallow everything except the nut).
Savor the rough surface of the nut before letting your molars sink in crushing it into tiny bits which form the sweetest after-taste and then swallow.
Keep your mouth closed and lick your teeth to remember the exquisite piece of enjoyment just experienced.
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