How to Create the Look of Granite for Less
How to Create the Look of Granite for Less
Granite countertops are beautiful, but can be pricey to install and maintain. If you want the look of granite without the cost, you can easily create a faux granite counter with some paint and brushes. If you don't want to paint, explore options other than granite. Things like recycled glass and quartz can be just as attractive as a granite countertop.

Using a Paint Kit to Create the Look of Granite

Purchase a kit. You can buy a kit made to create the look of granite on laminate countertops. These kits contain special types of paint and primer that you use to make a fake granite countertop. You can buy a kit online or at a local hardware store. Prices vary, but kits generally sell for around $70.

Gather your supplies. Prior to creating your own granite countertop, there are certain supplies you need. You will need paint in granite colors as well as painting supplies. Get things to protect your countertop, such as tape paint and a tarp. Get a paint roller and paint brushes, as well as a sponge. You will need cleaning supplies, as it's important to have a clean counter to work on. Get a scouring pad to clean your counter thoroughly ahead of time.

Clean the counter. Do not just give your counter a regular rub down. You will need to clean your counter thoroughly to make sure to scrub off any grease with your scouring pad. You should rinse the counter completely with water afterwards. Wait until the counter is completely dry to proceed.

Add primer. It's important to use black primer rather than white primer, as this will show through when you dab on the paint. This creates the granite-like appearance. Using your paint roller, and a paint brush for areas like corners, paint the whole counter in black primer. Afterwards, you need to let the primer dry completely before proceeding to the next steps. This can take as long as 8 hours.

Dab on the paint. Take your sponge and your white and gray paint. You will dab on white and gray paint over the primer, creating the effect of a granite countertop. You should practice first using black construction paper. This will give you a sense of how to create the proper effect. Before finishing off with your topcoat, let this layer dry completely. This takes around four hours.

Add a topcoat. A clear topcoat will protect your paint from damage over time. Add a topcoat as soon as your paint job dries. You add this the same way you added the primer, using your paint roller and a paint brush for hard-to-reach places like corners.

Avoiding Pitfalls When Painting

Ensure the countertop can be painted. While most materials that countertops are made of can be painted, there are some exceptions. A butcher block countertop, for instance, may not be able to be painted over. Make sure the material won’t warp or get damaged if you sand it down and add paint over it.

Do any repairs prior to painting. If your counter has any damage, you want to replace this prior to painting. You don't want to paint over any rough parts of the counter, as this will not look as professional and finished. If you notice any holes in your counter, fill them with wood patch or auto body filler. You can find these supplies at a local hardware store. Once applied, you will have to sand over the holes you filled so the counter looks smooth. If you have silicone caulking on your counter, you may not be able to paint on it. It's a good idea to remove silicone caulking and replace it with caulking you can paint on.

Use painters tape. You don't want to end up getting paint everywhere when creating a faux-marble counter. Use painters tape on the corners of your counter so you don't end up painting on walls, sinks, or cabinets. You should also lay a tarp down on your floor to avoid getting paint on the floor.

Make sure to give the paint adequate time to dry. Do not use your counter again until your paint is dry. Using the counter too soon can smear your paint job. It will take about one to three days for the counter to dry completely. Keep appliances off the counter until then. You should also make sure that the paint is dry in between coats.

Exploring Other Options

Use granite only in key areas. If you love the look of granite, but a full granite installation is out of your budget, think about installing granite in key areas. You could, for example, have a granite kitchen island with laminate kitchen counters. This could save you some money while allowing you to have some attractive granite in your kitchen.

Opt for recycled glass. Recycled glass is a cheaper option, and has a somewhat similar pattern to granite. If you have your heart set on a granite countertop, you can try recycled glass instead. Talk to a local contractor, or make a stop at your local hardware store, and see how much a recycled glass countertop would cost.

Try laminate countertops with a granite design. If a granite countertop is not in your budget, go for a laminate countertop with a granite design. You can choose from among many laminate countertops with patterns similar to granite, allowing you to create the look of granite for less. This will also save you the effort of painting a laminate countertop yourself.

Choose an engineered solid-surface countertop. Engineered countertops are made from acrylic and polyester. There are hundreds of colors and textures to choose from, so you’re likely to be able to find something that looks just like the granite you had in mind. These countertops require little to no maintenance and are resistant to heat, scratches, and chips.

Look into marble. Some marble looks just like granite and would make a stunning addition to your home. However, marble is a lot softer than granite, so it's more prone to scratches and chips. This may mean that the cost of repairs outweighs the benefits of using marble in place of granite.

Try quartz. Quartz countertops look very similar to granite countertops. They're less prone to damage and may be cheaper and easier to install. If a granite countertop is out of your budget, look into the cost of installing a quartz countertop. Using quartz instead of granite might not save you much money, unless you choose a cheap quartz in comparison to high-end granite.

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