Pick a name to match your style. Your rapper name may sound fairly different depending on where you come from and what sort of rapping you do. Your name should reflect how you want to come across: dangerous, or goofy, or thoughtful, or clever. Think about your identity. Consider the sorts of names that other rappers in your area use. You don't need to copy anyone else – but you might be wise to get familiar with the "scene" that you want to break into.
Use your real name as a guide. Include the first letter of your name, or twist your name into something entirely different. Make your rapper name something that sounds like your real name, but differs enough to distinguish you. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Get creative! Consider Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Mathers. His rapper name is based on his initials: "M and M." Lil Wayne's real name is Dwayne Michael Carter. He just took the "D" out of Dwayne to make it Wayne!
Bring back a childhood nickname. Snoop Dogg's mother was the one to bestow him with his rapper name: Snoopy (of Peanuts fame) was his favorite cartoon character growing up, and his mother started calling him after the character. When Snoop got into the rap game, he decided to use his childhood nickname to give himself a unique stage presence.
Looking for Inspiration
Try a rapper name generator. The Internet is brimming with free word generators, and some of them are specifically designed to come up with rapper names. Even if you don't go with exactly what the algorithm gives you, a generator might set you on the right track. You might even be able to find rapper name "quizzes" online that tell you which sort of rapper name you should choose.
Use your life to inspire your name-to-be. Choose a name, word, or place from your childhood. Name yourself after something that is ever-present in your life. You have the chance to define your name, but you also want your name to define you – so pick something that reflects the way that you are living.
Ask around. Talk to friends, family, and other rappers to see if they have any ideas. The people that you see everyday are the ones who observe and know you the best – so there's a good chance that they'll at least put you on track to finding your ideal rap name. Just say, "I'm trying to come up with a good rapper name. Do you have any ideas?" Look for perspective on how you come across. Ask, "How do I come across when I rap?"
Model your name after a favorite rapper. This doesn't necessarily mean that you should call yourself "C-Diddy" if you love P-Diddy. Study the stage names of rappers that you admire, and think about why their name suits them so well. Use a similar structure or a similar lyrical device. Read about how famous rappers picked their names.
Trying Out the Name
Drop the name into a song. You don't have to stick to a name just because you say it out loud – especially if you're just starting out. Say your name at the beginning of a rap to see how it sounds. If you reference yourself in the flow of your rap, make sure to refer to yourself by your new rapper name. Ensure that it's catchy – something that people will remember. Record yourself and listen over the tapes. If you like the way that it sounds, then keep it. If you don't like the way that it sounds, then try to come up with something else.
Don't be afraid to use multiple names. Perhaps there are several aspects of your personality that come through when you rap. Try to stick to one "stage name" – but feel free to reference "characters" and versions of yourself when you rap. Eminem, for instance, often refers to himself as "Slim Shady" to express the rougher, meaner side of his personality.
Ask for opinions. If you're having trouble deciding, ask someone you trust for his or her advice. Ask a friend, a sibling, or another rapper. You don't have to take anybody's advice – but it might help you solidify your own opinion.
Remember that nothing is permanent. Sometimes, the best way to form an opinion on something is to try it out. You can always change your rapper name if doesn't stick!
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