Pokémon Silver can be a very challenging game. If you've tried to catch Chansey and are frustrated by it, read this guide to learn how.
Obtain a team whose levels are between 10 and 25. Chansey only comes at level 25, though. It is recommended to prepare your team with Pokémon that know status-inflicting moves such as Hypnosis, Sing, Thunder Wave, and Sleep Powder.
Go to Route 14. In the patch of grass, a girl will be walking around.
Use Cut to cut the grass and get inside.
Use a Repel and start walking around. You may find some Pidgeotto and Skiploom, but just run from them.
When Chansey appears, weaken it and put it to sleep so it can't heal itself.
Catch it! You will need a lot of Poké Balls. Ultra Balls are the best for catching it.
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