How to Boost Your Mood with Music
How to Boost Your Mood with Music
Music has been a feature of human culture since prehistoric times. So it may come as no surprise that music has a special connection to the human brain, enabling it to lift spirits and alter moods. Use music to your advantage by finding the best music to beat the blues, choosing the right music for different times of day, and experimenting with active listening. With very little effort, you can use music to boost your mood.

Finding Music That Beats the Blues

Find your rhythm. When you listen to music, your heart actually tries to sync up with the beat. The faster the rhythm, the more excited your nervous system becomes. Experiment with different rhythms until you find the one that gives you a positive boost (without causing you to feel overly excited or anxious). Some songs with a good beat include: "Dare" by Gorillaz. "Kids" by MGMT. "Sleepyhead" by Passion Pit.

Listen to the tone. The tone of music also has a big effect on your bodily response to it. In general, music played in a major key communicates happy emotions, while music played in a minor key communicates sadness. When you listen to music with happy sounds, you are more likely to feel an emotional boost. However, some people can even feel happy after listening to sad music. A few songs with a good tone include: Lady Gaga's "Born This Way." Rusted Root's "Send Me on My Way." Peter Bjorn & John's "Nothing to Worry About."

Play music with a positive message. Just like rhythm and tone, the lyrics you hear can have an effect on your emotions. Try listening to music with a motivational message or a good story. Due to the close link between music and mood, listening to music with a positive message can help to shape the course of your day. Try listening to an uplifting song first thing in the morning so that you are ready to face the day. Songs with a positive message include: Katy Perry's "Roar." Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger." Kid Cudi's "Pursuit of Happiness."

Put on music you already like. Listening to familiar music that you naturally enjoy has been shown to release dopamine in the brain, generating a rush of happy feelings. It can even lower your heart rate and reduce anxiety and pain. When in doubt, reach for your favorite songs and give yourself a boost. This is true of both specific songs you already love, or artists and styles of music that you know you enjoy.

Try listening to some binaural beats music. Binaural Beat Technology (BBT) is a type of music that alternates different sounds to create new tones, and some people find that BBT can help to calm anxiety and even reduce pain. Try listening to some binaural beats music the next time you are feeling anxious or stressed and see if it helps you.

Have a playlist handy. Consider creating a “feel good” playlist to have on hand. Select upbeat songs that have a good rhythm, a good tone, and a good message. Be sure to select some of your old favorites as well. Then simply press play whenever your mood needs a quick boost.

Choosing the Right Music for Different Times of Day

Listen to “powerful” music in the morning. When you begin your day, you need confidence and power to get things rolling. Scientists have found that listening to music with heavy bass (such as rock or hip hop) can increase feelings of power and confidence, and even improve your ability to think complex thoughts. Try listening to powerful music like this when you first wake up. Check out rock artists like Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, or Credence Clearwater Revival. Check out hip hop artists like Atmosphere, Aesop Rock, or A Tribe Called Quest.

Stimulate your brain with music while you’re at work. Although familiar music can give you happy feelings, it can simultaneously decrease your ability to focus. If your mood needs an attention boost at work, try listening to something out of the ordinary for you. This can stimulate your brain and help increase your productivity. Try an artist you're not familiar with. Check out Bjork, Beck, or Belle and Sebastian.

Play pop music when you work out. Listening to music while you work out can help curb fatigue and keep you going. Pop music is great for working out because it gives you an upbeat, steady rhythm to follow along with. Try jamming some pop in your headphones at the gym. Some great workout songs include: "Toxic" by Britney Spears. "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk. "S&M" by Rihanna.

Listen to sad music when you’re sad. Although it may seem backwards, listening to sad music can help boost your mood. If you are truly down in the dumps, listening to sad music can help you to process your emotions, and lead to an emotional upswing as a result. Check out Radiohead, especially their albums "In Rainbows" and "OK Computer." Listen to anything by Adele when you're feeling blue.

Use music to help you sleep. Studies have shown that playing some calming music is a great way to reduce insomnia, extend your REM sleep cycle, and help you rest. Classical music is best suited for this task. Try listening to some classical music as you get ready for bed, or perhaps even allow it to play as you sleep. Some excellent classical compositions include: Frédéric Chopin's "Nocturne No. 2." Samuel Barber's "Adagio for Strings." Gustav Holst's "The Planets."

Listening Actively

Dance with music. If you really want to get the biggest boost out of your musical experience, you should get your body involved! While music alone can give you a boost, music combined with rhythmic movement is the highway to feeling better (and staying healthy along the way).

Sing along! Another great way to maximize your mood-boosting session is to sing along with the music you listen to. Singing has been shown to create an instant boost in mood, while simultaneously enhancing your immune system. Sing in the shower, the car, or in front of a crowd. Either way, you are sure to feel a positive boost.

Play a musical instrument. If you want to generate a positive mood, try playing your very own music. Playing a musical instrument (at any age) relieves stress and helps promote positive emotions. Furthermore, playing a musical instrument can actually boost your brain power and help you to live longer! Is there an instrument you've always wanted to play? Are there any instruments handy in your home? Consider starting with something simply like a recorder, or begin something a bit more challenging, like the guitar or piano.

Attend a live performance. If you’d like to boost your mood with music, why not experience that music live in person? Attending a concert is a surefire way to raise your spirits. Plus, attending a concert burns calories, gets you out of the house, and provide a great opportunity to socialize.

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