Everything You Need to Know About Venus in Scorpio
Everything You Need to Know About Venus in Scorpio
Are you wondering what Venus in Scorpio says about your personality and love life? Venus is the planet of love and beauty in astrology, which means your Venus sign placement represents the way you love and want to be loved by others. Thus, having a Venus in Scorpio placement indicates that you tend to embody Scorpio’s passion, intensity, and desire for secrecy when it comes to your love life. Read on for a full overview of what it means to be a Venus in Scorpio!This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
  • Venus in Scorpio is mysterious, passionate, protective, and emotional. They’re guarded on the surface but very romantic deep down.
  • In relationships, Venus in Scorpio is extremely loyal and loving but may get jealous and possessive if they feel insecure.
  • Attract Venus in Scorpio by getting vulnerable with them and sharing secrets to show them you can match their level of emotional depth.

Venus in Scorpio Overview

Venus in Scorpio individuals are brooding, secretive, and intuitive. Scorpio is a fixed water sign ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, and Mars, the planet of action. Someone born while Venus is in Scorpio has a cautious approach to love, but when they find the right partner, they’re loyal until the end of time. Venus is considered “in detriment” while in Scorpio. That’s because Venus rules Taurus, which is the opposite sign of Scorpio. “In detriment” simply means that Venus in Scorpio can be a challenging position. Venus in Scorpio natives may have a tough time finding love early in life, but they’re entirely capable of finding true love just like any other Venus placement.

Venus in Scorpio Positive Traits

Venus in Scorpio is a seductive, passionate romantic. They may seem cool and collected at first, but underneath is someone with tons of passion, sensitivity, and love to give. Their intensity makes them very black-and-white in terms of their emotions; either they’re aloof, or they’re totally invested. Positive traits include being: Protective. When it comes to the people they care about, Venus in Scorpio is fiercely protective. They have a very “all or nothing” mentality—so when they love someone, there’s nothing they won’t do to protect them. Magnetic. There’s a natural allure to Venus in Scorpio individuals. Because Mars (and therefore Scorpio) rules sex and desire, Venus in Scorpio tends to attract lots of attention, even if they aren’t trying to. Emotional. As a water sign, Scorpio is super emotional and feels everything deeply—which means Venus in Scorpio individuals do, too, especially when it comes to love. They’re very sensitive and romantic deep down! Intuitive. Venus in Scorpio’s water sign status makes them super intuitive, able to pick up on others’ feelings (especially their partner’s) and read them easily. Because of this, they’re also very compassionate. Intense. Scorpio’s ancient ruler is Mars, the planet of energy and action, which gives Venus in Scorpio a fierce intensity in everything they do; they’re passionate, focused, and very driven. However, they tend to hide their intensity and play it cool around other people.

Venus in Scorpio Negative Traits

Venus in Scorpio can be guarded and obsessive at times. It can be tough to see through a Venus in Scorpio’s secretive exterior to who they truly are underneath. Beyond that, although some appreciate their passion, it can be a little too much for others—especially if that intensity turns into possessiveness and obsession. Negative traits include being: Mysterious. Venus in Scorpio tends to be secretive—especially before you get to know them. They don’t like revealing much until they’re comfortable and may even keep dark secrets or have pasts that they don’t like to talk about. Possessive. The flipside of Venus in Scorpio’s protectiveness and intensity is their possessiveness. They want to own their relationships completely and can get clingy, especially if they feel insecure. Resentful. When Venus in Scorpio feels hurt or threatened, their first instinct is to lash out, and they don’t easily let go of the bitterness they feel when relationships turn sour.

Venus in Scorpio in Love & Relationships

Venus in Scorpio can be slow to open up to potential partners. Scorpio is a cautious sign. Thus, Venus in Scorpio is often guarded while getting to know people. They tend to be a little skeptical when it comes to love and want to make sure they’re with someone they can truly be comfortable with before letting their guard down. Venus in Scorpio may be so skeptical due to relationship issues in the past and wary of things like lies, betrayal, and mistrust. Tip: If you're a Venus in Scorpio, don't let the memories of past relationships weigh you down! Rather than stewing over your ex, look to the future and keep searching for the true love you deserve.

Venus in Scorpio is loyal but also prone to jealousy. Venus in Scorpio’s intensity makes them capable of getting very attached to their partner. They’ll remain devoted and loyal no matter what, which is a wonderful quality! However, their devotion can easily turn into possessiveness and obsession if they start feeling jealous. Tip: If you’re a Venus in Scorpio, remember that a little jealousy is normal—but try to curb it rather than letting it rule your behavior and relationships. If you feel insecure, talk to your partner. Tell them how you feel and what the problem is so that they can reassure you, and you can work on a solution together.

How to Attract Venus in Scorpio

Share their interest in dark or uncommon subjects. Scorpio’s modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation, rebirth, and subconscious forces. This informs Venus in Scorpio’s fascination with everything occult, macabre, and spiritual. So, show your Venus in Scorpio that you’re also eager to explore the subjects that other people shy away from! For example, a Venus in Scorpio might be interested in different kinds of folklore, astrology, witchcraft, or the concept of ghosts and spirits. Even subjects considered “taboo” to most are probably a point of interest for Venus in Scorpio.

Be honest with them. Because Scorpio (and therefore Venus in Scorpio) is naturally prone to suspicion and paranoia, they truly value 100% honesty from partners. Attract Venus in Scorpio by showing them you’re reliable and being totally transparent and straightforward, especially when telling them about yourself. Try telling them a secret or two! Because Venus in Scorpio is so secretive, they’ll have no problem guarding yours—and they’ll appreciate your trust.

Show empathy and match their emotional depth. Underneath Venus in Scorpio’s cool, guarded exterior is a well of intense emotion. They tend to be attracted to people who aren’t afraid to explore their own emotional depths, so don’t be afraid to voice your innermost thoughts and empathize with theirs to show them how “deep” you really are. Often, Venus in Scorpio’s emotional intensity attracts people who have gone through hard times and can share (or at least relate to) their experiences.

Venus in Scorpio Compatibility

Best matches: Venus in Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn Water signs are most compatible with other water signs, which is why Venus in Scorpio is a fantastic match with Venus in Pisces and Cancer. They’ll match one another’s emotional depth and understand each other perfectly. Beyond that, Venus in Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn (which are earth signs) are just as loyal as Venus in Scorpio and can give them a much-needed sense of stability.

Difficult matches: Venus in Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius Compared to water signs, fire signs express their emotions differently and can be too high-energy, which is why Venus in Sagittarius and Leo don’t always mesh with Venus in Scorpio. Similarly, air signs tend to be more cerebral than emotional, which is why Venus in Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius may clash with Venus in Scorpio. However, it’s a good idea to compare entire synastry charts before determining your compatibility with someone. Even if your Venus placements don’t necessarily match up, you might have other placements that do!

Venus in Scorpio Transit

Venus in Scorpio transits empower you to embrace your true desires. A Venus in Scorpio transit occurs as the planet Venus moves through the sign of Scorpio—so everyone feels Scorpio’s influence during this time. Relationships may go through some sort of transformation, but they’re also likely to solidify and last, since Venus in Scorpio is all about loyalty and commitment. You may also learn more about your romantic preferences during this transit, which can help you become a better version of yourself. Scorpio is a very sexual sign—so these transits encourage you to be uninhibited in the bedroom and fulfill all of your fantasies. Venus in Scorpio may also trigger jealousy or obsession, so make sure you’re still giving your partner autonomy and freedom. Venus spends roughly 2 to 3 weeks in each sign, with an orbital period of 225 days. The most recent Venus in Scorpio transit was December 4–29, 2023.

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