Angel Sigils: What They Are & How to Use Them
Angel Sigils: What They Are & How to Use Them
Angels are a symbolic part of religious beliefs. They're the symbols of hope, faith, innocence, and purity. These same representations can be dated back to the 17th century in a small book called The Grimoire of Armadale, which explains magic throughout time. Angel sigils manifest the energy and powers of archangels into your goals and desires. In this article, we'll share everything you need to know to create and harness the energy of archangels.
Things You Should Know
  • Angel sigils manifest the powers of an archangel into your life. You can call on specific archangels for protection, good health, and peace.
  • Create an angel sigil by writing your intention down with "I am" or "I will" statements. From there, remove repeating letters and vowels to create an abstract symbol.
  • Once you have your symbol, select a destructible, temporary, or permanent sigil type, which will determine how you activate your intention.

What are angel sigils?

Angel sigils are magickal symbols used to invoke the power of archangels. In magickal practices, creating sigils is a way to set specific goals or intentions in your subconscious so you can bring your manifestations to life. While angels are unnamed entities who serve as God's messengers, archangels are a specific rank of angels entrusted with special tasks, like protection or wisdom. Calling on the right archangel can strengthen your sigil. For example, suppose you're manifesting good health for yourself or a loved one. In that case, you'd call on the Archangel Raphael, who represents health, happiness, and joy.

Types of Angel Sigils

Archangel Michael, The Protector The Archangel, or Saint, Michael is often described as a great captain or warrior in religious texts. He represents protection, courage, strength, and guidance.

Archangel Gabriel, The Messenger As heaven's messenger, Archangel Gabriel is known for bridging the gap between people through effective communication. If you struggle to find the right words, call on Gabriel to help you communicate effectively.

Archangel Uriel, The Wise In classic literature, Uriel has been defined as an archangel of wisdom because of the enlightenment he offers others. He represents wisdom, vision, ideas, problem-solving, and transformation. When you need guidance, turn to the Archangel Uriel.

Archangel Raphael, The Healer In the scriptures, Raphael believes it's his mission to heal the earth. In doing so, he works to help people overcome their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual turmoils. Turn to Raphael on sick days or when you're struggling mentally or emotionally for guidance.

Archangel Raguel, The Peace Marker If you're looking to resolve relationships, call on the Archangel Raguel for assistance with personal issues like lying, gossip, or harassment. When you're overwhelmed by injustice in the world, Raguel also encourages education and funding for poverty, climate change, and social inequality issues.

Archangel Jophiel, The Beautiful When battling low self-esteem, Archangel Jophiel encourages people to self-reflect and be vulnerable. Her mission is to bring beauty and clarity into every facet of life, like thoughts, home, school, and relationships.

How to Make an Angel Sigil

Write a new intention on a piece of paper. After your space is cleansed, you can focus on your true intention, meaning why you need the archangel’s powers. Define your intention in a single sentence. Be specific and use positive statements such as "I want," "I am," or "I will." Doing so helps your subconscious believe that your manifestation is already yours. Avoid setting multiple intentions for one sigil, as it'll decrease your chances of success. For example, if you’ve been struggling with your mental health and you’re looking for guidance from Archangel Raphael, you’d say, “I am Archangel Raphael,” or “I am guided by Archangel Raphael.”

Remove all vowels and repeated letters. Doing so helps create a more direct and simplified version of your intention. For example, if your intention is "I am protected by Archangel Raphael," remove all vowels and repeating letters to use "mdbyng" in your sigil.

Use the remaining letters to design your symbol. Arrange the letters in any way you’d like, combine them, or add shapes to create an abstract design. Try not to overthink your symbol's appearance. Let your intuition guide you instead. This helps plant your intention into your subconscious. You can always look up sigils online if you need inspiration. Play around with upper and lower-case letters or add swirls and stars to your design. You can also make multiple designs and choose the one that feels best to you.

Use the rose cross method as an alternative. If defining your intention or creating a symbol using letters isn't in your skill set, that's okay. Search up "Rose Cross Template" online. You'll find a circular template with letters designated in separate boxes. Take your chosen archangel's name and connect each letter from one box to the next. Every sigil will start with a circle and end with a line to create an abstract image. If a letter doesn't exist, use the letter's sound instead or delete the letter from the sigil.

Activating Your Angel Sigil

Perform a smudging ritual to get rid of negative energy. To set yourself up for success, you’ll want to cleanse any negative energy that may interfere with your intention. A smudging ritual works by burning a bundle of sage, rosemary, cedar, sage, or sweetgrass to banish bad vibes from a space, object, or person. Create a simple intention such as, “I am letting go of negative energy.” Burn your sage for at least 30 seconds before blowing it out. Then, gently fan the smoke along the room while focusing on your intention. You can also cleanse yourself by standing in a T-shape, allowing the smoke to cover your body, working up from your feet. Once you feel the negative energy has been lifted, put the smoke out by pressing it into a heat-proof dish. Close off your ritual by declaring your intention out loud or silently in your head.

Transfer your sigil design to a destructible, temporary, or permanent form. If you want to use the paper you’ve already drawn your sigil on, you can. However, there are three sigil types that determine what you can do with a sigil after you create it. For example: Destructible sigils can be a piece of paper with the sigil drawn on it used to burn over a candle fire. Temporary sigils can be hand-drawn onto your skin using eyeliner or a marker, where they can disappear over time. Permanent sigils can be a piece of art, a tattoo, or woven into clothing that lasts forever. In this case, you may need to recharge your sigil to give it power again.

Visualize your intention. Once you've decided on the type, charge your sigil by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. Allow your body to relax with each breath you exhale. Focus on your sigil by holding it in your hands or until you can see it in your mind. You can also chant, dance, or clap your intention aloud to charge your sigil.

Bring your intention to life through activation. For destructible sigils, if you've chosen to draw your sigil onto a piece of paper or carve it into a candle, the act of burning is the activation. Similarly, if you carved your sigil into food, you can activate it by eating it. Temporary signals can be activated by drawing your sigil onto your skin. Permanent sigils, like a piece of art, can be activated by placing it in a safe space. Once your sigil is activated, forget about it! Now it's time for your manifestation to come to fruition—but give it time. Things don't happen overnight.

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