What are Secret Notes in Stardew Valley?
Secret notes are collectible messages found around Stardew Valley. There are 27 notes in total, though originally, there were 25 (with more added in updates to the game). While the notes are numbered, you can find them randomly in any order. Some notes are puzzles or treasure maps with solutions, while others have hints and information about characters around town! Don’t worry about keeping track of each note; you can find them in your collection inventory, where they’ll be stored automatically.
How to Read Secret Notes
Get the Magnifying Glass from the Shadow Guy to unlock secret notes. Notes can’t be found (or read) until you have a Magnifying Glass. To get it, go to the Bus Stop between 6 AM and 4 PM in the Winter to trigger a cutscene. You’ll see a Shadow Guy, who will run away from you and hide. Then, you’ll get the “A Winter Mystery” quest; follow the Shadow Guy’s footsteps to complete it. Chase the Shadow Guy into town and interact with one of the bushes next to the playground, left of the Community Center. The Shadow Guy will emerge, apologize, and give you the Magnifying Glass. From there, you’ll be able to start finding secret notes!
How to Find Secret Notes
Do activities that have a chance of spawning secret notes. There are no specific places to find a secret note in the game; rather, you must find them randomly while completing tasks that can potentially yield them. Some activities have a greater chance of spawning notes than others; they include: Breaking large stumps, logs, meteorites, or boulders (5% chance of spawning notes) Breaking stones (0.75% chance of spawning notes) Chopping down trees (0.5% chance of spawning notes per axe hit) Cutting weeds (0.9% chance of spawning notes) Digging up artifact spots (11% chance of spawning notes, only if you don’t get a winter forage item or artifact) Fishing (8% chance of spawning notes) Harvesting giant crops (100% chance of spawning notes) Killing monsters (3.3% chance of spawning notes) Each percentage represents the odds that the game will attempt to spawn a note. If the check succeeds, the game will make another check to see if a note actually spawns. The odds of spawning a note is a linear function of the number of notes found, with an 80% chance of spawning if you haven’t found any of them down to a 12% chance if you’ve found all but one.
All Secret Notes in Stardew Valley
Secret Note #1 This note is a page from Abigail’s diary. It reads: “Things I love: the smell of carved pumpkin, keeping an amethyst under my pillow, chocolate cake, the thrill of spicy eel, and the comfort of Mom's blackberry cobbler (I like to eat!).” You can use this note to find Abigail presents she’ll love and raise your friendship with her. Secret notes 1 through 9 all list “Loved” gifts of various characters in the game; anything mentioned will raise your friendship with the associated character!
Secret Note #2 The second note is Sam’s holiday shopping list, detailing the favorite things (and loved gifts) of the people he’s closest to. It reads: “Everyone’s favorites. Sebastian: Frozen Tear, Sashimi. Penny: Emerald, Poppy. Vincent: Grape, Cranberry Candy. Mom: Crispy Bass, Pancakes. Dad: Risotto, Roasted Hazelnuts. Me: Cactus, Maple Bar, Pizza." In this note, “Mom” and “Dad” are Sam’s parents, Jodi and Kent.
Secret Note #3 The third note is written in Leah’s handwriting. It reads: “My idea of a perfect dinner would be salad, goat cheese, truffle, and wine. For dessert, I'd need a poppyseed muffin. Yum! If someone gave me one of those things, I'd melt.”
Secret Note #4 The fourth secret note is written by Maru—a list of items she needs (and will appreciate if gifted to her). It reads: “Parts still needed for my greatest invention yet! Gold Bar, Iridium Bar, Battery Pack, Diamond, Strawberries.”
Secret Note #5 The fifth note is from Penny, a list of “loved” gifts to get other people. It says, “I want to get everyone something they love! Mom: Parsnip, Glazed Yams, NO BEER! Jas: Fairy Rose, Plum Pudding. Vincent: Pink Cake, Grape. Mr. Mullner: Leek, Fried Mushroom. Granny Mullner: Beet, Tulip." “Mom” is Penny’s mother, Pam. “Mr. Mullner” is George (Alex’s grandfather), and “Granny Mullner” is Evelyn, George’s wife. The note says “NO BEER” because Penny is trying to get her mother to drink less, even though beer is actually one of Pam’s loved gifts.
Secret Note #6 The sixth note is written by Gus, owner of the Stardrop Saloon, and lists loved gifts for several characters. It reads: “Stardrop Saloon Special Orders. Mayor Lewis: Autumn’s Bounty (double order of high-fiber bread on the side). Marnie: Pumpkin Pie (extra whipped cream!). Demetrius: Bean Hotpot (Make it spicy). Caroline: Fish Taco (she wants triple the sauce! Better throw in a few extra napkins...).”
Secret Note #7 This note reads: “...There are only a few 'older' bachelors in town, and none of them are perfect! Harvey is really anxious and weak, but I know he would make a loyal and devoted husband. He likes coffee and pickles. Elliott is a bit foppish and melodramatic, but he does have a nice chin. He likes crab cakes and pomegranates. Shane is messy and anti-social. But I think his gruff exterior is a defense mechanism, insulating his softness from the world. He likes Beer, Pizza, and Pepper Poppers.” The seventh note is anonymous—a page from someone’s diary. It focuses on three characters you can optionally marry in Stardew Valley.
Secret Note #8 The eighth note is written by Haley and Emily’s parents, who are only mentioned in the game. It reads: "To Haley and Emily, hope you two are doing well! We've sent you your favorite gifts: Pink Cake and Sunflowers for Haley, Gemstones and Wool for Emily! Love, Mom and Dad.”
Secret Note #9 Likely written by Alex, the ninth note lists loved gifts that are also preferred meals of his. It reads: “Alex's Strength Training Diet: *Complete Breakfast, *Salmon Dinner (I've learned to love this food... I can feel the protein!!)”.
Secret Note #10 This note reads: “Someone is waiting for you on level 100 in the skull cavern…” It adds the “Cryptic Note” quest to your journal. Solution: To complete the quest, reach the 100th floor of the Skull Cavern to trigger a cutscene. Mr. Qi will appear and reward you with an “Iridium Snake Milk,” which will give you a permanent +25 Health increase. If you get to the 100th floor using 10 or fewer staircases, Mr. Qi will congratulate you. If you use 11 or more, he’ll say you’re “clever” but not “honorable.” You’ll get the reward regardless, so don’t worry too much about the number of staircases you use!
Secret Note #11 The eleventh note is an old photograph showing a young Marnie and baby Jas on the farm alongside several animals. There’s no solution or secret to this note; it simply adds to the world of Stardew Valley.
Secret Note #12 The twelfth note reads: “I've found some good things by looking in the garbage cans, on lucky days. Sometimes you'll find the 'dish of the day' behind the saloon... usually fresh! For dessert, I'll check the Mullners' can for cookies. For treasures, check the cans by the blacksmith and museum.” It’s likely written by Linus. Use this note to loot items from different garbage cans around town; you only have to interact with the garbage can you want to loot. The note also mentions searching on “lucky” days. See the fortune teller in town to find out when it’s a high-luck day! Just remember that if another character sees you digging through the trash, they’ll be disgusted (and you’ll lose friendship points with them).
Secret Note #13 This anonymously written note says: “12 o' clock noon SHARP. Last day of the season. Check the bush above the playground.” Solution: On day 28 of any season, interact with the bush above the playground (in a little nook on the cliff) at exactly 12:00 PM. You’ll find a Junimo Plush there, which you can use for decoration.
Secret Note #14 The fourteenth secret note is also anonymous. It says: “I hid something behind the community center.” Solution: Go behind the Community Center and walk toward the fence until you can’t go further. Use your pickaxe or hoe to hit the item blocking your path, and you’ll get the Stone Junimo statue.
Secret Note #15 The fifteenth note is short, reading: “Mermaid Show: 1-5-4-2-3.” Solution: Wait until the Night Market (an annual event in Winter) and go to the far boat during the festivities, where a Mermaid is performing. When the show is over, click on the shells in the order written in the note (numbered left to right) to be rewarded with a Pearl. You can only earn one Pearl from the Mermaid Boat per game, even though the Night Market is annual.
Secret Note #16 The sixteenth secret note is another photograph—this one depicting a red X marked next to a cliff near some train tracks. Solution: Find the location indicated (next to a boulder north of the Railroad tracks and Bathhouse) and use your hoe to dig up a Treasure Chest.
Secret Note #17 The seventeenth note is another photograph treasure map showing a red X between a river and a cliff near a narrow wooden bridge. Solution: Find the spot on the map north of JojaMart and the wooden bridge. Dig the farthest north tile on the east side of the river to get a green Strange Doll, which you can donate to the Museum. Stand close to the tile you’re digging up to prevent the doll from falling into the river!
Secret Note #18 The eighteenth note is a photo treasure map depicting a red X next to a bench in a sandy area. Solution: Travel to the Calico Desert and go to the southeastern area of the map to find a bench there. Dig a short distance southwest of the bench to find a yellow Strange Doll. To unlock the Calico Desert area, complete all the bundles in the Community Center’s Vault room first.
Secret Note #19 The nineteenth note is a picture of a blue house (1 Willow Lane) with a series of arrows making a path. Solution: Go to the house and start directly in front of the door; then, follow the path indicated by the arrows, going in each direction until you can’t move further before going to the next. This will lead you to a Solid Gold Lewis statue hidden behind Mayor Lewis’ house. For example, start the arrow path by running left as far as possible. Then, run up until you hit another obstacle, and so on. The path leads around the house and through town. Additional Secret: If you place the statue in Pelican Town (somewhere a villager won’t walk through it), it’ll be replaced by a Rotten Plant the next day. You’ll also get 750 coins and a note in the mail reading: “In the future, I'd appreciate it very much if you refrained from placing my PRIVATE belongings in town for all to see! I'm very displeased! Take this money and never speak of my 'project' to anyone.” If you take this route, the statue will appear in either Lewis’ bedroom (90% chance) or Marnie’s bedroom (10% chance).
Secret Note #20 The twentieth note is a picture of a gray patch and a red circle surrounding a green circle with a path made from arrows beneath it. Solution: Stand at the center tile of Pelican Town’s town square. Follow the arrows to a truck near JojaMart. Interact with it, and the driver will ask for a Rabbit’s Foot. Deliver one to get a Special Charm that increases your daily luck. Like the previous note, you’ll need to follow one arrow in the direction shown as far as you can go before going in the direction indicated by the next arrow. You can also just go to the truck directly (instead of following the arrow path).
Secret Note #21 The twenty-first note is an image with a clock, moon, and map leading to a bush. Solution: Head to the large bush northwest of the bridge out of Pelican Town (toward the beach). Interact with the bush at exactly 12:40 at night, and Marnie and Lewis will jump out! There’s no reward or loot here—just a silly interaction!
Secret Note #22 The twenty-second note says: “Greetings, Farmer… Have you found my ‘secret’ in the dark tunnel? I look forward to meeting you! -Qi”. Solution: Grab a Battery Pack, head to the Bus Stop, and then go west into the Tunnel. Leave the Battery Pack in the box at the center of the Tunnel to begin “The Mysterious Qi” quest. You can also begin the quest without finding this secret note.
Secret Note #23 The twenty-third note reads: “If yoo can reed dis... come to seecrit wuds. Pleez bring may-pal serrup.” Solution: You’ll get the Strange Note quest in your journal after reading the note. Bring Maple Syrup to the Secret Woods between 6 AM and 7 PM, and you’ll trigger a cutscene with a Bear who shares his knowledge of berries. Getting this cutscene will permanently triple the selling price of Blackberries and Salmonberries. Afterward, a bear paw icon called “Bear’s Knowledge” will appear under the Special Items & Powers tab.
Secret Note #24 This secret note is a page from M. Jasper’s book, reading: “...the creatures, known by some as "Forest Spirits" or "Junimos", are said to appear in abandoned buildings after they've "gone to seed". As a general rule... when humans leave, and nature begins to reclaim her territory, the Junimos will undoubtedly appear. Folk wisdom holds that the Junimos display some kind of resonant affinity with gemstones that are placed inside their little huts… Also, it's said that raisins are their favorite food, but they are too shy to take them directly from the hand. Of course, all these claims come from dubious, unverified sources... As far as I know, even the mere existence of these creatures has never been proven!” Solution: This note is a hint that if you place a foraged gem, mineral, or geode mineral into a Junimo Hut, it’ll change the color of the Junimos that harvest your crops to match the mineral.
Secret Note #25 The twenty-fifth secret note says: “I 'borrowed' a necklace from Mom, but lost it somewhere near the bath house... She’s going to freak out if she notices it’s missing!” Solution: Go fishing in the water outside the Spa in any season except Winter to catch an “Ornate Necklace.” Then, give the necklace to either Caroline (for 50 friendship points) or Abigail (for 100 friendship points).
Secret Note #26 This note contains a tip for your Farmer, reading, “Ancient Farming Secrets, line 37: There's no better helper than a raisin-fed Junimo…” Solution: Put raisins inside a Junimo Hut for a chance to have the Junimos harvest double crops. The Junimos will eat a bag of raisins weekly, and you can place multiple bags in a Hut to be eaten over time. Make raisins by placing 5 grapes in a Dehydrator. It’ll take 29 in-game hours for them to process! This note is the first to be added to the game, along with update 1.6.
Secret Note #27 The final note is from Grandpa. It reads: “By the time you find this note, I expect you'll have been living in the valley for quite some time. I hope things are going well! I'm honored that you're continuing the family tradition of farming, and through that noble endeavor, bringing greater life and abundance to all of Stardew Valley... a place very dear to my heart. Keep up the good work! —Grandpa”. There’s also a P.S., which reads: “...I've hidden a very special secret for you somewhere in the valley. You might think of it as a compendium of my greatest discoveries. Someday, when you're ready, you'll find it.” Solution: Achieve level 10 in all 5 skills (Farming, Mining, Foraging, Fishing, and Combat). This will unlock the Mastery Cave, near the Sewer Pipe in the southern part of the Cindersap Forest.
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