18 Negative Traits of Scorpios
18 Negative Traits of Scorpios
As water signs, Scorpios are sensitive, emotional, and intense. They’re also passionate and ambitious, making them the most extreme of the three water signs. Sometimes, however, Scorpios’ intense personalities can land them in a bit of trouble. While their positive traits greatly outweigh the negative, it’s important to remember that everyone has qualities they can work on. We interviewed professional astrologer Angel Eyedealism to learn how to identify and overcome all of Scorpios’ negative traits.
Things You Should Know
  • Scorpios struggle with jealousy. They’re driven by success and can sometimes feel threatened by other successful people.
  • They have trouble opening up. Scorpios are afraid of getting hurt so they often avoid showing their emotions.
  • Scorpios feel pain very deeply and often struggle to forgive someone who has hurt them.

They get jealous easily.

Scorpios often see everyone as competition. As the only fixed water sign, they’re driven by ambition and will do whatever it takes to succeed in life. Because of this, they often see other successful people as a threat and tend to be envious of those who have what they want. If you want to overcome jealousy, try using it as a motivator. If someone has something you want, take it as a sign to go after it. If they can achieve it, so can you. You can both be successful at the same time.

They’re secretive.

Scorpios keep their cards close to their chest. Though they try to hide it, Scorpios are very emotional (like all water signs) and are often afraid of getting hurt. They prefer to keep their feelings to themselves because they’re afraid people will use their emotions against them. In order to build a successful relationship with a Scorpio, professional astrologer Angel Eyedealism says you have to “respect the obsessive need for privacy and for control.” Don’t push them to reveal information before they’re ready, and be willing to listen attentively when they do finally open up.

They have trust issues.

Scorpios don’t let their guard down easily. They often pride themselves on being self-sufficient and independent, so they’re wary about letting new people into their lives. They get suspicious easily, and it takes a while for them to open up. Unlike the other water signs, Scorpios don’t often wear their heart on their sleeve. You’ll see more of the sensitivity of their water aspects as you get to know them better. Professional astrologer Angel Eyedealism recommends being direct when getting to know a Scorpio. “Look them straight in the eye,” she says. “Be accountable, be upfront. If you’re very trustworthy and solid, they will finally relax.”

They can be vengeful.

Scorpios do not handle betrayal well. Because they don’t open up easily, being betrayed often hurts them more than it would other signs. At their best, Scorpios are unlikely to forgive, and at their worst, they may seek revenge to hurt you the way you hurt them. When someone hurts you, it’s understandable to want them to feel your pain. Rather than trying to inflict this pain yourself, try telling them how their actions made you feel. It’s better to try to talk things out than seek revenge.

They can be aggressive.

Scorpios are intense and passionate, and so is their anger. They’ll stop at nothing to get what they want, and they can sometimes get worked up and frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. This may make them seem particularly angry and aggressive. One of Scorpio’s ruling planets is Mars, which is named after the Roman god of war. Mars is the planet of passion and action. You can be assertive without being aggressive. Take a few moments to gather your thoughts before speaking. If you’re frustrated with someone, use “I feel” statements to avoid accusing them.

They struggle with self-control.

Scorpios often have a hard time saying no. They enjoy the finer things in life and often indulge even when it isn’t wise. Because of this, they often develop poor spending habits and struggle to save money. To improve your self-control, remove temptations and set boundaries for yourself. For example, if you spend too much money, take out a certain amount of cash before a shopping trip. Only allow yourself to use the physical cash on hand and don’t resort to using your credit or debit card. You can even try leaving your cards at home to avoid the temptation.

They hold grudges.

Scorpios don’t forgive, and they don’t forget. If you hurt a Scorpio, don’t expect a second chance. They tend to be very resentful, and it may take years for them to forgive someone who hurt them – if they choose to forgive them at all. The first step to letting go of a grudge is to come to terms with the situation. Try to see the situation from the other person’s perspective and reflect on times others have forgiven you for negative behavior.

They’re possessive.

Scorpios hold the things they love very tightly. They feel things very deeply and are often afraid of losing the things they cherish. This is especially true in relationships, as Scorpios want all of their partner’s love and attention 100% of the time. Scorpio’s second ruling planet is Pluto, which is known for its intense influence on power and sexuality. This could be why Scorpios are so possessive and intense in their relationships. It’s important to have balance and create healthy boundaries in a relationship. If you struggle with possessiveness, try setting a day aside for you and your partner to spend time away from each other. If you can enjoy time with your other friends and family, trust that your partner can, too.

They can be manipulative.

Scorpios are extremely persuasive. They can easily convince people to believe almost anything. While being persuasive isn’t always a bad thing, Scorpios are very capable of manipulating others to get whatever they want. If this is something you struggle with, you can stop manipulative behavior by avoiding ultimatums. Remember that things don’t always have to be black and white, and feelings and situations are often complicated. Be willing to listen and talk about your feelings.

They tend to be rude.

Scorpios expect others to meet their high standards. While they’re probably trying to be motivational and encouraging, their words often seem harsh and blunt to others. They likely don’t realize that they sometimes come across as rude. While it’s important to be direct, remember to consider people’s feelings. For example, instead of telling someone they did something poorly, try encouraging them by commenting on the things they did correctly and then suggesting ways they can further improve the situation.

They’re obsessive.

Scorpios don’t do anything half-heartedly. When they care about something, they’re all in. Whether it’s a person, a hobby, or a belief system, Scorpios are unwavering in their support. This becomes negative when they’re unable to listen to criticism of whatever they’re obsessed with. If you struggle with obsessiveness, try to refocus your attention. Try finding a new hobby or spending time with friends. If you find yourself thinking about your obsession, acknowledge the thought and let it pass.

They can be controlling.

Scorpios feel most secure when they’re in control. When things are out of their hands, they often feel anxious. As a result, Scorpios can often come across as domineering. They want to be in charge so they can feel assured that everything will go according to plan. Scorpios tend to behave this way because they’re fixed signs. In astrology, signs with a fixed modality are doers. They won’t rest until their tasks are done completely and correctly. It can be difficult to relinquish control, but it can be freeing, as well. Letting someone else take charge can help you relax and take a lot of pressure off of yourself. Try delegating a few small tasks and work your way up to important duties.

They’re stubborn.

Scorpios are steadfast in their beliefs. Once their mind is made up, it’s hard to change it. They perform extensive research before deciding something, so they’re well-informed and use this information to stay firm in their beliefs. This often makes them seem obstinate and headstrong. Remember that you don’t have to be right all the time. People are constantly growing and changing, and it’s okay to adapt your mindset when you learn new information.

They’re insecure.

Scorpios hold themselves to extremely high expectations. When they don’t meet those expectations, they’re often very hard on themselves. Their intense fear of failure leads to a strong feeling of insecurity which can become self-destructive if not handled appropriately. One way to become less insecure is to fake it till you make it. Other people won’t know you’re insecure unless you tell them. Keep this in mind as you approach new situations and you might realize you’re not as self-conscious as you originally thought.

They only think in black and white.

There is no grey area for Scorpios. Things are either right or wrong and nothing in between. Because they believe things so strongly, Scorpios dislike anything that is vague or unclear, and they’re always searching for a definitive answer. It’s important to remember that things are rarely as simple as we’d like them to be. Try to consider the situation from all perspectives and understand that other people might not think the same way you do.

They tend to be moody.

Scorpios sometimes struggle to control their strong emotions. Because Scorpios are water signs, they’re very sensitive and feel things deeply. Their moods can change quickly and frequently depending on the situation at hand. Their moods are often unpredictable, and the smallest thing can sometimes set them off. Allow yourself to feel your emotions. We tend to have outbursts after bottling our feelings up for too long. Open up to a trusted family member or friend and talk about your emotions.

They take things too seriously.

As water signs, Scorpios tend to be hypersensitive. They’re often hurt by jokes that wouldn’t bother others, and they feel these emotional wounds for a long time. It can sometimes be difficult for Scorpios to lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously. It’s okay to poke fun at yourself. Everyone has traits they don’t like, and the first step to improving is to acknowledge them. When you can make fun of yourself, you’ll start to realize things aren’t as serious as you originally thought.

They have an ego.

Scorpios may come across as arrogant and proud. They want to be respected, and they want their talent to be recognized. They hold themselves to a high standard, and this sometimes comes across as having an ego because they try to hide their insecurities. While you should be proud of your accomplishments, avoid seeming conceited by listening to others and congratulating them on their achievements, as well. Build each other up rather than trying to compete.

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