Importance of Eating The Right Food Combinations
Importance of Eating The Right Food Combinations
While some food combinations can help your body absorb different nutrients, some food combinations can prove to be reduce the absorption of nutrients

Food pairing and nutrient interaction are two concepts that have been explored and researched extensively over a long period of time to identify the relationship between particular foods. Together, some foods and nutrients function at their best. They bring out the best in one another for a nutritious punch that packs a powerful wallop. While some food combinations can help your body absorb different nutrients and strengthen its defenses against disease, some food combinations can prove to be reduce the absorption of nutrients and can even be toxic. Nisha Consultant, Nutritionist and Dietitian, Motherhood Hospital, Gurugram, shares some of the best food combinations that work well together.

Food Combinations that work well


  1. Plant-Based Iron and Vitamin CPlant-based iron, needs a little boost by being combined with a source of vitamin C for optimal absorption. The vitamin C aids in converting the iron into a form that the body can absorb more readily. Experts suggest pairing them in a single meal can significantly increase iron absorption. Add a squeeze of lemon to you tasty spinach salad.
  2. Vegetables and Healthy FatsThe most effective way to release vitamins from vegetables is to sprinkle a little nuts or a splash of oil over your vegetable recipes. A small amount of good fats can improve the absorption of vitamins E, A, and K as well as minerals like lutein, lycopene, and alpha and beta carotene. Therefore, ensuring that you absorb all the goodness of fat-soluble vitamins from veggies by dressing your salads with a nutritious cold-pressed olive oil or just sprinkling some crushed nuts will do wonders for your health.
  3. Good Fats and Vitamin KVitamin K protects your bones and is necessary for blood coagulation. The vitamin is fat-soluble, though, so if you don’t eat any fat at the same time, your body won’t be able to absorb it as well and as leafy greens are a fantastic source of vitamin K, you should always eat them with healthy fats like those found in walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, or olive oil.
  4. Soy and TomatoesThis combination may be beneficial for those who have prostate cancer or a family history of the disease. Numerous studies have examined how soy and tomatoes can halt the spread of prostate cancer. According to experts, this is probably because the antioxidant chemicals lycopene from tomatoes and isoflavones from soy interact.
  5. Rice and dalOne of the most pervasive myths is that vegetarian diets don’t contain enough complete protein. Any protein diet that claims to be complete must contain all nine essential amino acids, which your body cannot produce on its own. Vegetarians and vegans can still have their own full protein meals. The most effective approach to do this is to combine rice with lentils. While pulses are high in lysine and low in cysteine and methionine, rice includes cysteine and methionine, sulfur-containing amino acids. Therefore, including both of them in your main meals will provide the ideal synergistic amount of complete protein. 

Food Combinations to Avoid


Certain meal combinations can cause your body to produce toxins. This is because each food item has a unique taste, characteristic, potency, energy, and impact on the digestive system. Heer are some of the combinations to avoid.

Eating Fruits Right After Meals

Fruits are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that support immunity, heart health, and many other bodily functions. However, it’s also important to consider when you eat fruit. Did you know that triglycerides, a form of fat that circulates in our bloodstream, are created from fructose, the sugar found in fruits? This is especially true if you eat fruits after a meal. 

Honey and Ghee in equal proportions

Ghee and honey together in an equal amount can become poisonous and be harmful to your health. When ghee and honey are combined, a bacteria known as Clostridium Botulinum grows quickly throughout the body and can cause stomachaches, and even lung issues. Particularly in low-oxygen environments, Clostridium Botulinum is capable of producing harmful toxins. 

Milk and Citrus Fruits

Milk and a lot of fruit might be unhealthy pairings that are bad for your health. You might think you’re pairing a wonderfully healthy fruit with milk, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Combining them may result in digestive problems and a buildup of toxins, which may then cause vomiting or loose stools.

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