The Andhra Pradesh TET 2024 admit cards have been issued by the Department of School Education. Candidates can obtain their hall tickets for the Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test 2024 for the July session through the official website at aptet.apcfss.in. The exam will be held from October 3 to 20 in two sessions — one from 9:30 am to noon and the other from 2:30 pm to 5 pm.
Candidates who qualify for paper 1 will be eligible to teach in classes 1 to 5 and the candidates who clear paper 2 will be eligible to teach classes 6 to 8. Candidates who will be appearing for the exam must note that the provisional answer key will be released from October 4 onwards (one day after each exam) with the final answer key releasing on October 27. The AP TET 2024 July result will be out on November 2.
AP TET 2024 Admit Card: How to Download?
Step 1: Go to the official website of the Andhra Pradesh TET at aptet.apcfss.in.
Step 2: Navigate to the AP TET 2024 admit card link provided on the home page.
Step 3: After filling up your login information, including your birthdate and registration number on the admit card portal, click the “Submit” button.
Step 4: A screen displaying the hall ticket will appear.
Step 5: Examine all the information on the admit card carefully.
Step 6: Download and print the admit card for the AP TET 2024 exam for later use.
AP TET 2024: Exam Pattern
Students will have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete 150 MCQs. Paper 1 will be divided into five sections: child development and pedagogy, language 1, English, mathematics, and environmental studies. 30 multiple-choice questions worth one mark will be included in each section. Paper 2 will be divided into five sections: child development and pedagogy, language 1, English, and subjects relating to the elected stream. There will be 30 multiple-choice questions in the first three sections and 60 in the final segment.
Candidates must score at least 60 per cent to pass the AP TET 2024 while those in the SC, ST, differently abled, and ex-servicemen categories must achieve 40 per cent or higher.
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