Watch: Woman Finds 'Strange Animal Babies' In Her Drawer
Watch: Woman Finds 'Strange Animal Babies' In Her Drawer
Australia has many small insects and reptiles, like snakes, spiders, mice, and lizards, are often spotted in enclosed and cooler areas.

Australia is a land that is known for having a variety of animals, insects, reptiles, and more. Apart from having a plethora of wild animals, many small insects and reptiles, like snakes, spiders, mice, and lizards, are often spotted in enclosed and cooler areas. There have been many cases where people have found these small animals entering the tiniest of places and making their lives difficult for the house owners. A similar situation happened when a woman was in shock to find out what was waiting for her when she went to open her underwear drawer. Reportedly, small, unknown creatures were lying inside the drawer.

According to reports, an Australian woman named Vicki revealed that she knew something was in her bedroom in her Brisbane home since the family dogs were going berserk the night before. Yet she didn’t check it, but the next morning, when she went to open her underwear drawer, she found a family of babies lying inside in between her clothes. Initially, she couldn’t figure out what they were but later assumed them to be mice or rats. She added that there were eight tiny animal babies inside the drawer, all huddled around one another. She further said that they were all without furs and had not opened their eyes, making it difficult to identify them. Vicki revealed that they were born just a few hours before she found them. Vicki’s family couldn’t understand how the mother of those rats could have gotten inside the drawer.

Vicki’s daughter also spoke to the media regarding the incident. She revealed that there was no better person than her mom to find the babies. She added that her mother is a big nature lover and would even take mosquitoes to a hospital. As per reports, Vicki then put all the babies in a shoebox and took them to a vet clinic. The staff was also unsure what type of animals they were, as they were newborns. She has now handed over the babies to the clinic, which is taking proper care of them.

Earlier, another Australian woman found a highly venomous snake lying inside her daughter’s drawer.

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