India's minister for information technology and law Ravi Shankar Prasad raised concerns on Tuesday over the deletion of some pages and posts on Facebook, accusing some employees of the social media platform in India of bias and inaction.
NEW DELHI: India’s minister for information technology and law Ravi Shankar Prasad raised concerns on Tuesday over the deletion of some pages and posts on Facebook, accusing some employees of the social media platform in India of bias and inaction.
“There was a concerted effort by Facebook India management to not just delete pages or substantially reduce their reach but also offer no recourse or right of appeal to affected people who are supportive of the right-of-centre ideology,” Prasad said in a letter to Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg.
The U.S. social media giant is embroiled in a row over how it regulates political content in India, its biggest market by number of users.
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