Kerala govt is in favour of allowing women inside Sabarimala.
You may be worried that you've become a bore, considered dull or tedious by even your closest friends. Being boring can kill your personal relationships and dry up your professional relationships; once you're labeled a bore, it can be difficult to bounce...
Former Miss Jammu Anara Gupta files a writ petition in HC to seek a CBI probe into the porn CD case.
Lal, a rickshaw puller allegedly bit off part of the tip of his wife Pushpa Devi's nose after a domestic fight.
Newman plays a crusty old auto with blue headlights in the animated film Cars, a toon set in the world of race cars.
A ranch-style Memphis home that Elvis Presley bought sells for $905,100 on the online auction service eBay.
Ever switched off and drained your hot water system to fix a leak, only to turn on your water and find no hot water?