A total of 2,95,684 non-gazetted posts are lying vacant in the Railways, with the highest — 37,732 — in the Northern Zone alone, official ministry data analysed by News18 shows.
The data up to June 30 this year also showed that 1,916 gazetted posts are vacant in the Railways. The vacant posts increased in the previous six months, the data shows.
Up to December 31, 2021, there were 1,880 gazetted and 2.86 lakh non-gazetted posts vacant in the Railways.
In terms of zones, the Northern Zone has the highest number of posts vacant, followed by the Central and Western Zones, the data shows.
There are over 15.06 lakh sanctioned gazetted and non-gazetted posts in the Railways as of January 1 this year and more than 12.03 lakh permanent employees are working in the Railways up to the said period, the official data shows.
Speaking to News18, a ministry official said that occurrence of vacancies and filling of these posts is an “ongoing process”. “Railways is a large organisation. Occurrence of vacancies is an ongoing process. The posts fell vacant as people are retiring, resigning and there are deaths. Filling up such vacancies is a continuous process,” the official said, demanding anonymity.
He further added that the process of filling of nearly 1.60 lakh posts is underway.
“Along with filling up of regular vacancies, employment is also generated through outsourcing of non-core activities and execution of projects, which are not permanent in nature, through contracting agencies,” the official said, adding that the vacancies do not impact the functioning of the department.
Every year, a section of permanent employees in the Railways retires. Between 2019 and the current financial year, over 2.26 lakh employees have either retired or will do so in the coming months.
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