The Ministry of Railways has declared that from 2023 onwards, the recruitment for Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS) will be done through a specially designed examination. The IRMS Examination will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The Ministry made this decision in consultation with the UPSC and the Department of Personnel Training (DoPT). The IRMSE will be a two-tier exam consisting of one preliminary screening examination followed by a main written examination and interview.
To screen an adequate number of candidates for the examination’s second stage– the IRMS main written exam– eligible candidates will be required to appear for the Civil Services (Prelims) exam.
The IRMS (Main) exam essay-type questions are spread across four papers.
Part 1 consists of qualifying papers worth 600 marks. This part will constitute paper A for one of the languages mentioned in the eighth schedule of the Constitution. The candidate will have the choice to select the language. Paper B will be English.
Read | UPSC CSE Prelims 2023: Important Books to Ace The Exam With High Marks
Part 2 will consist of two optional subjects for 250 marks each. Candidates can choose from civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and commerce and accountancy. The syllabus for all the optional papers will be the same as for the Civil Services Exam.
Part 3 of the examination would consist of a personality test for 100 marks. Thus, the total number of marks obtainable is 1200.
Candidates will need a minimum educational qualification of a degree in Engineering, Commerce, or Chartered Accountancy from “a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutes established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.”
The age limits and number of attempts for different categories will be same as those for the Civil Services Exam. The results will be drawn and declared by UPSC in the form of a single list of recommended candidates from the four disciplines in order of merit.
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