Cases of the mosquito-borne tropical disease- dengue- often flare up in India during the monsoon season. This is because stagnated rainwater provides an excellent breeding ground for mosquitoes. A large number of dengue cases are either mild or asymptomatic and, therefore, self-manageable at home. However, it is still important to know the signs, symptoms, and ways of preventing this disease, which can turn deadly.
The dengue virus (DENV) is passed on to humans through the bite of infected female mosquitoes. Usually, one should suspect dengue if one experiences a high fever (40°C) alongside any two of the symptoms listed below:
- Severe headache: Severe headaches with a persistent pang behind the eyes are common signs of dengue.
- Muscle and joint pains: These are the prime reasons why dengue patients feel lethargic. These pains lead to a sense of weakness and fatigue, often so much that a person is unable to stand or walk.
- Nausea: Feeling like throwing up when after ingesting any food, extreme vomiting, and feelings of nausea are symptoms of the mosquito-borne illness.
- Swollen glands: Lymph nodes in the neck and groin can get swollen due to dengue fever.
- Rash: Skin rash may occur within 2-5 days of contracting dengue fever.
Dr Avi Kumar, Senior Consultant, Pulmonology, Fortis Escorts, suggested that one quickly visit a doctor upon noticing a rash, as this can help the professional determine whether one has contracted dengue or not.
While dengue usually resolves on its own, usually within a week, sometimes, it could turn fatal. Severe dengue is a potentially deadly complication that arises due to plasma leaking, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, severe bleeding, or organ impairment, according to the World Health Organization.
Warning signs of severe dengue include:
- Intense abdominal pain
- Constant vomiting
- Quick breathing
- Bleeding from the nose or gums
- Fatigue
- Restlessness
- Enlarged liver
- Blood in vomit or stool.
There are precautions one can take to avoid contracting dengue in the first place. To prevent mosquito breeding, prevent the insects from accessing egg-laying habitats such as stagnated water. To do this, ensure that you dispose of solid waste properly and do not let water stagnate anywhere in the house. If water needs to be stored, ensure that it is always covered. Try to clean domestic water storage at least once a week, too.
To avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes, use window screens and mosquito repellents. Additionally, pick clothing that reduces skin exposure to mosquitoes.
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