The kidneys are vital life-sustaining organs, which perform a number of functions to keep the blood clean and remove toxins from the body. Therefore, it is vital that you keep your kidneys in good shape.
Most people don’t realise that small things like having a sedentary lifestyle can have adverse effects on the health of their kidneys. one should avoid these common bad habits that may harm your kidneys.
Let us note which common bad habits should be avoided that may harm your kidneys.
1. Excessive consumption of processed food
Processed foods are loaded with sodium and phosphorus which can be harmful to the kidneys. Patients suffering from kidney ailments should avoid eating packaged food.
2. Overuse of over-the-counter (OTC) medications and body-building health supplements
Most people take painkillers very frequently. However, continuous consumption of over-the-counter medications can cause chronic kidney problems. Additionally, you should take nutritional supplements only after consulting your doctor.
3. Excessive consumption of salt
You should refrain from consuming food items that are rich in sodium as it can have an adverse effect on your kidney due to excessive sodium load.
4. Eating too much sugar
Consuming excessive sugar can cause obesity, which raises your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. Consequently, the risk of having a kidney disease goes up exponentially.
5. Not keeping yourself hydrated
Not drinking enough water can be very problematic for your kidneys. You should drink an adequate amount of water to keep yourself hydrated. This helps in excreting metabolic wastes and prevents the formation of stones in your kidneys.
6. Not exercising regularly
Many studies have pointed out that having a sedentary lifestyle can be harmful to the health of your kidneys. Therefore, you should undertake regular physical activity to maintain the health of your kidneys.
7. Smoking
Smoking reduces blood flow in the kidneys and also narrows the blood vessels in the kidneys. Smoking also causes the thickening and hardening of the renal arteries. Therefore, smoking should be avoided at all costs if you want healthy kidneys.
8. Excessive alcohol consumption
High alcohol intake may increase the formation of uric acid and damage your kidneys. Therefore, experts recommend that people suffering with kidney disease should not consume alcohol.
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