That high levels of cholesterol is not a sign of good health, especially heart health, is common knowledge now. The problem is high levels of this waxy, fat-like substance do not manifest in symptoms like most other conditions. In some cases, it could cause small changes in your appearance that you can pick up on. When they do become visible, it is likely that these signs of high cholesterol will appear on your face. Keep an eye out for the tip of your tongue, cornea, and the skin around the eyelids.
Dark Purple Tongue
If low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) or bad cholesterol builds up in your blood vessels, it can affect blood flow and even increase the pressure in the arteries. This results in a conditon called blood stasis, which could in turn manifest as a dark purple tinge on your tongue. This hue on the tongue could indicate that blood is not circulating properly or that it is failing to deliver enough oxygen to the body’s tissues.
A Xanthelasma is a yellowish fatty deposit under the skin. You might notice this as bumpy yellow patches around your eyes or on the inside corner of your eyelids. While it is harmless and does not interfere with a person’s vision, it could be a sign of an issue with your lipid levels. Lipids are fats in the blood and include cholesterol. Consult a doctor if you notice such patches.
Semi-circle On Cornea
Arcus senilis, or the formation of a semi-circle on your cornea (transparent part of the eye) is common in older adults. It is formed by lipid deposits. While it is extremely common as people age and may not necessarily indicate high cholesterol, those who are under 40 and still see the ring form in their eye, should consult a doctor and get their cholesterol levels checked.
High levels of bad cholesterol in the body can result in damage to such an extent that one might suffer from a stroke or heart attack. Furthermore, increased LDLs can cause damage to the brain and prove to be fatal, too.
Remember that the signs mentioned above may or may not appear if you have high cholesterol. It is important to get your cholesterol checked through a blood test every 4 to 6 years.
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