HUBLI: South Central Railway (SCR) will run special express trains between Hyderabad and Kolhapur. Train No 07143 Hyderabad-..
HUBLI: South Central Railway (SCR) will run special express trains between Hyderabad and Kolhapur. Train No 07143 Hyderabad-Kolhapur Express Special will depart from Hyderabad at 23.10 hrs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from October 15 to 30 and arrive in Kolhapur at 22.45 hrs the next day. In the return direction, Train No 07144 Kolhapur-Hyderabad Express Special will depart from Kolhapur at 07.30 hrs on Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday from October 17 to November 1 and arrive in Hyderabad at 06.45 hrs the next day. The train will have a total of 11 coaches, including AC-2 tier and AC 3-tier coaches.
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