Sydney: Researchers in Australia have discovered another gender difference: women scowl at a mirror because they think themselves fatter than they really are, whereas men smile because the image they see is one of a man more muscular than themselves.
"Australian women are actually slimmer than they think they are," head of psychology at Melbourne's Deaking University, Marita McCabe said.
Men, in contrast, overestimate their bulk.
The researchers asked 100 women and 80 men to select the computer-generated silhouettes they thought best matched their own.
They found that women tend to overestimate, while men tend to flatter themselves.
Women told researchers they went on exercise and diet campaigns to lose weight and gain muscle tone. Men, in contrast, said they went to the gym for fun and relaxation.
"Men are more likely to exercise because their mates are doing it and not because they want to change their bodies to achieve the ideal," McCabe said.
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