Red alert in Mumbai against terror
Red alert in Mumbai against terror
Mumbai Police Commissioner AN Roy said that inputs had warned police to be on guard from August 15 to 20.

Mumbai: A high alert has been sounded in Mumbai for Sunday following intelligence inputs that subversive elements may strike in the city, police said.

The entire police and para-military set-up in Mumbai has been put on guard, particularly since on Sunday the subversive elements could take advantage of the relaxed weekend life of the city to strike, they said.

Mumbai Police Commissioner AN Roy said that inputs had warned police to be on guard from August 15 to 20. "Tomorrow (Sunday) being the last day of the warning, we are being extra cautious," he said on Saturday.

Roy said vital installations, prominent places and places of importance are under heavy security since Independence Day, and will continue to remain so at least for a few days ahead.

Informed sources said that intelligence agencies had tipped Mumbai police that some 'leftover' groups of terrorist outfits were still roaming in the country and Mumbai could still be their target for subversive activities.

Security has therefore being tightened at railway stations, bus terminuses, entry points, vital installations, religious places and communally sensitive areas, sources added.

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