NGT Delhi Recruitment 2018 application process to fill 50 vacancies for the various posts to be filled at its Principal Bench at New Delhi and at bench at Bhopal, Chennai and Kolkata on deputation basis has begun on the official website of the National Green Tribunal, New Delhi - greentribunal.gov.in. Interested applicants must apply for the relevant post on or before 10th August 2018 by following the instructions mentioned below:
How to apply for NGT Recruitment 2018?
Step 1 – Visit the official website - http://greentribunal.gov.in/
Step 2 – Click on link ‘Vacancy Circular for filling up the under mentioned posts in the National Green Tribunal on deputation basis’ under ‘Latest News’ on the home page
Step 3 – a PDF file will display
Step 4 – Download the application form and take a printout
Step 5 – Fill the application form with required information
Step 6 – Send the duly filled application form along with other required documents at the below mentioned address:
The Registrar General, National Green Tribunal, Faridkot House. Copernicus Marg, New Delhi – 110001
Direct Link - http://greentribunal.gov.in/Display_file_judgement.aspx?ID=30192&type=1
NGT Recruitment 2018 - Vacancy Details:
Total Posts: 50
Registrar - 5
Deputy Registrar - 3
Principal Private Secretary - 1
Accounts Officer - 1
Hindi Officer - 1
Private Secretary - 19
Section Officer - 8
Senior Accountant - 3
Stenographer Grade 1 - 9
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants are advised to visit the official website and download advertisement to ascertain their eligibility and pay scale before applying:
Age Limit:
The age of the applicants should not more than 56 years as on the closing date of the application.
Selection Process:
The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of their performance in an Interview.
Important Notice:
Earlier the last date to apply for this recruitment drive was 31st August 2018, however as per the official notification, the last date to apply for the same is now 10th August 2018.
Candidates can visit the official website of NGT to read the official notification in below mentioned url:
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