Meditation isnt a passive spiritual practice
Meditation isnt a passive spiritual practice
If we meditate with full awareness, we will progress far more quickly than when we sit absent-mindedly, trying to think good thoughts

It is an interesting fact that several businessmen, once they decide to devote their lives and service to god, make rapid spiritual advancement. Formerly, even if they used their energy selfishly, at least they used it! In the process, they learned to focus powers which they could now apply towards meditation and higher development. Such people come out far ahead of many who feel that they are more spiritual simply because they scorn involvement in earning money.

You see, it also takes energy to develop spiritually. Spiritual practices, such as meditation, are not passive practices. If one meditates properly, his efforts are dynamic. If you meditate with full awareness — not restlessly, but alertly, putting all your concentration on what you’re doing — you will progress far more quickly than if you sit absent-mindedly, trying to think good thoughts. Whatever you do, therefore, put your full energy into it. If you have to earn money, don’t work at it with half your mind, while, with the other half, regretting what you are doing.

If you are in a position where you don’t have to think about earning money — fine; you can direct your energy toward other things. But this is not necessarily good for a person to be in a position where he has to think about earning money.

I visited a wealthy man once who told me, as if to excuse his continued need to work and support his family, “That isn’t my reality out there. My life begins when I get home, and can sit quietly in my meditation room.”

I imagine he was trying to impress me. I found myself thinking, however, “What a pity, to waste all that time at work during which he could also be living in god!”

You see, it isn’t really important what we do, so long as we see everything we do as an opportunity for service, for applying energy creatively, for working for the welfare of all, for expanding our sympathies and awareness, for attuning our consciousness to the infinite intelligence.

Always remember, god is in money too. He is in business. He is in the banks just as much as he is in the mountains and clouds, and in temples and churches. And though it is more difficult to see him in the marketplace, nonetheless, he is there. If you look deeply enough, you will find him, wherever you are.

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