New York: Three out of four women said they would not wed someone without a job, and 65 percent would feel uncomfortable tying the knot if they themselves were jobless. But more than 91 percent of single women said they would marry for love over money.
"It is ironic that women place more weight on love than money, yet won't marry if they or their potential suitor is unemployed," said Meghan Casserly, of ForbesWoman which conducted the survey with the website YourTango.com.
Even more telling, she said, is that 77 percent of women surveyed believe they can have it all -- a fulfilling relationship and family life, as well as a successful career.
But 63 percent of women said they work 40-59 hours, and 62 percent of women in a relationship said they spend just three waking hours or less with their partner during the work week.
"The career is really taking the No. 1 position for working women," Casserly said. "It's pretty ironic that this number of women believe they can have everything. How? When?"
Two out of five women in a relationship said their job was most likely to keep them up at night, according to the poll of 625 women. Job responsibilities and love life tied as the factors most likely to keep single women awake.
Thirty-two percent of women said they make more money than their partner and half said they would marry someone who earned significantly less than them, while 41 percent wouldn't.
Fifty-five percent of women said they would give up their career to take care of children if their partner asked them to do so. But only 28 percent would ask the same of their partner.
If women could find an extra hour in each day, 42 percent would spend it by themselves, instead of with their partner, friends or family or on work.
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