Google, Verizon to take on iPad
Google, Verizon to take on iPad
Verizon Wireless said it is working with Google on a tablet computer to take on Apple's iPad.

New Delhi: Verizon Wireless, the largest mobile carrier in the US, said it is working with Google on a tablet computer to take on Apple's iPad.

Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam made the announcement in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "We're working on tablets together, for example. We're looking at all the things Google has in its archives that we could put on a tablet to make it a great experience," McAdam said.

McAdam did not discuss further details about the product or the time-line for the launch. Google too did not reveal much.

Following the launch of Apple's iPad, the tablet market is fast heating up. Reports suggest Hewlett-Packard will use Palm's smartphone operating system for its tablets. Dell and Toshiba are also working on devices that would run on Google's Android.

Apple announced that it had sold more than a million units of the iPad within 26 days of its release. iPad's international launch is slated for May 28.

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