Bangalore girl gets $80K job with IFC
Bangalore girl gets $80K job with IFC
Shruti Chandrashekhar, a 23-year-old management graduate in Bangalore, has landed a $79,231 per annum job.

Bangalore: Shruti Chandrashekhar, a 23-year-old management graduate in Bangalore, has landed a $79,231 per annum job as a financial analyst with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which is headquartered in Washington.

With this job, Shruti has become the youngest Indian woman to join an international financial outfit. Shruti talks fluently about the bulls and the bears and the debt accounts of the developing countries.

A student of Sophia High School in Bangalore and the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Shruti is a graduate in electrical engineering and management sciences. Shruti said that her work is her passion and she is looking forward to working with IFC.

"This is what I have always look forward too, finding a job that truly satisfies my interest. It is my passion. I am really excited about the job and the people I will be working with. It will be an exposure to the Indian market place and as well as to markets in other developing countries. It is a good foundation for a future career with an international organisation or working with developing countries," said Shruti Chandrashekhar.

Shruti's parents said they were proud of their daughter's achievement, and said they had no problem with her decision to go out of the country for work.

"I am feeling really excited. It's really very nice. I thank God every minute and thank her also for bringing us and the country such a good name. It's all left to her decision. So, it's her life. So long as she is happy, we are happy. We can always go and see her and she can always visit us," said Kasturi Chandrashekhar, Shruti's mother.

Born in Bangalore, Shruti is the second daughter of Kasturi and T Chandrashekhar. She says she developed a passion for finance and economics in her second semester at MIT.

Shruti used her graduation years to do summer jobs in the US with Barclays Capital and Mercer Oliver Wyman among others. She also received an annual scholarship of $40,000 between 2001-2005.

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