Al-Qaeda devises 'Kill Bush' game
Al-Qaeda devises 'Kill Bush' game
A video game that prompts players to kill characters that look like President Bush is posted Islamist Web sites.

New Delhi: A video game that prompts players to kill characters that look like President Bush has been posted on a number of Islamist Web sites.

The game is called 'Quest for Bush', or 'The Night of Bush Capturing'.

Players are prompted to advance through six missions against soldiers who look like Bush, followed by a seventh mission against a character that looks like the president that takes place in a desert-like region. During the game, jihadist songs are played in the background.

The video game says it is produced by the Global Islamic Media Front, which is described by the SITE Institute as 'a jihadist mouthpiece organization.'

SITE-Search for International Terrorist Entities-is a research organization that specializes in terrorists and terrorist groups.

The Bush game appears to be based on previously released games. One called 'Quest for al Qaeda' was issued after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and another called 'Quest for Saddam', issued after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The latest version of the game contains the phrase, Quest for Bush.

Game missions include 'Jihad Beginning', 'A Day at the Desert', 'Jihad Growing Up', 'Americans' Hell', 'Searching for Bush' and 'Bush Hunted Like a Rat'.

The game uses a number of languages: some descriptions are written in English, others are in Arabic and others are in both languages. Labels on boxes containing gas masks in the game say, 'Fabrique en France', French for 'Made in France'.

In the first mission, the player is in an American military camp, where pictures of Bush, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Iraqi Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani are plastered on the walls.

The player starts out armed solely with an assault rifle. During the game, the player's goal is to obtain a shotgun, a grenade launcher and a machine gun before advancing to a final fight against a character that looks like the president.

The game appears to be inspired by "Doom," a video game released in 1993 in which the player-wielding a weapon on the video screen-has to collect other weapons and ammunition, slay a series of armed opponents and then find the path to the next level. Victory is achieved once all the enemies have been vanquished.

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