How To
How to Remove Yellow Cooking Odor Stain from White Kitchen Cabinet Doors
A how-to for removing those pesky yellow stains from cabinets and other surfaces. This method also works for removing mild rust stains from kitchen surfaces.
Use Apache Webserver to Host a Website on Your PC: Step-by-Step
If you want to host a website on your Windows PC, the Apache webserver makes it easy. While the Apache Project used to offer a Windows installer, they don't anymore. Fortunately, you can still install Apache easily by downloading the binaries from ApacheH...
How to Draw for Beginners: A Step-By-Step Guide
Learning how to draw can seem hard, especially when you look at the cool masterpieces made by professional artists. It's important to remember that even the greatest artists of all time started as beginners. Start by practicing some basic drawing techniqu...
How to Pick Up Dog Poop
No matter how you look at it, picking up dog poop is not a pleasant task. Many dog owners probably think that picking up their dog’s poop is a necessary evil. Despite the mess and stink of picking up your dog's waste, cleaning up after him is an important...
How to Write an Accomplishment Report
Do you need to write an accomplishment report? Many jobs will require one, and often these are self-assessments in which you're asked to report what you've done throughout the year. Perhaps you've been tasked with writing a report on a meeting instead. Un...
How to Make a Fake Picture with Celebrities to Impress Family & Friends
Do you want to impress your friends and family with a photo of you with a famous person, but you've never met any famous people? This wikiHow teaches you how to combine a photo of yourself with a photo of a famous person to make it look like you were phot...
How to Make Hot Cocoa
There's something very comforting about wrapping your hands around a mug of homemade hot cocoa. You can personalize it easily. Change the milk for something creamier or non-dairy, for instance, or include a flavor extract, such as peppermint or almond, to...
How to Clean a Coffee Maker
Coffee makers are convenient household appliances that can provide you with a fresh cup of java first thing in the morning. However, due to the high levels of moisture, they can easily harbor mold and bacteria. Drip filter coffee makers require cleaning a...
How to Look Attractive (Guys)
You can't control your genes or your basic physical traits, but you can control how you use what you've got. Being attractive is a combination of several different factors, including grooming, personality, and style. Whether you're simply looking to amp u...
How to Get a Girl to Admit That She Likes You
Liking someone new can be an exciting, but nerve-wrecking feeling. Getting a girl to admit that she likes you can be a bit tricky, especially if you're not ready to tell her that you like her. Treating a girl well, flirting with her, and being honest abou...
How to Recycle Old Plastic Bags
You use plastic bags every day to carry groceries home or to hold items you have purchased at the store. Plastic bags are not biodegradable, which means it will take hundreds of years for them to decompose. Recycling old plastic bags will ensure they are...
How to Make a Right Turn at a Red Light
In the United States and Canada, it is generally legal to make a right hand turn on a red light, although there are states and municipalities that are exceptions to this. The right-turn-on-red laws also vary from country to country. If you are driving som...
How to Stop a Zipper from Unzipping Itself
Maybe you want to make sure your zipper stays zipped during the frenzy of back-to-school. Or, maybe you are trying to hang onto a pair of pants that probably would be better off in the “donate” pile. You can fashion a device to keep that zipper zipped up...
How to Kiss a Girl
Whether it's your first time or you're just looking for tips to improve your kissing game, you might be wondering what the best way to kiss a girl is. Where do you put your hands? Tongue or no tongue? How do you make the kiss as memorable and enjoyable fo...
How to Organize a Bookshelf
Organizing a bookshelf can be fun, either for your librarian side or your inner interior decorator. There are several go-to methods for sorting books, but quite a few alternatives let you experiment with appearance and function.
How to Get Rid of Killer Bees
Most of the time, bees play an important role in the reproduction of flowering plants and keeping annoying insects at bay, and pose no threat to humans. However, some bee species (namely “Africanized” honey bees, or “killer” bees) become aggressive when a...