How To
How to Make a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game in Java
Rock, Paper, Scissors is a hand game played by two people. Both people would say "rock, paper, scissors" and then simultaneously form one of three objects (rock, paper, or scissors) with an outstretched hand. The winner is determined by the hand formation...
How to Pack an Overnight Bag & What to Bring On Your Trip
Are you going away overnight but totally stuck on how much to bring with you and how much to leave behind? Don’t sweat it. The great thing about overnight trips is just that: they’re only overnight. It’s okay to spend less time packing and more time relax...
How to Work With a Child With Reactive Attachment Disorder
Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) can occur when a child does not form a healthy emotional attachment to their primary caregiver, sometimes due to the caregiver being extremely neglectful or abusive. This can also happen to children who were orphaned or...
How to Duck Walk
The duck walk is an easy bodyweight exercise that's great for working out your glutes and quadriceps. It's also a classic stage movement used by musicians to add some flair to their guitar solos. Whether you're here for a workout or to prepare for a perfo...
How to Change Into Your Bathing Suit if You Aren't in a Stall (Girls)
If you are at a beach or a pool where changing stalls are unavailable, you can simply change into your bathing suit by finding a concealed area where you can use your towel to securely change into your bathing suit.
How to Make a Google Earth Building in SketchUp
Google Earth's "3D Buildings" layer is entirely comprised of models made from Google SketchUp or Google Building Maker. It is simple and easy to make a model for Google Earth.
How to Dress for a Date (for Teen Girls)
Finding the perfect outfit for a date can seem like a daunting task. However, if you consider the season and the activity, you’re halfway there! Choose an outfit that fits well, is age-appropriate, and represents your unique style. Add a great pair of sho...
How to Change Your Name on Facebook So People Can Search Your Maiden or Married Name
So you got married, and now your name on Facebook doesn't relate to your new name. This article will discuss how to change to your married name, and still be able to have people search for you under your former maiden name.
How to Draw Charmander
Charmander is a Kanto Pokémon in a first stage evolution. It evolves to Charmeleon and the third stage of the evolution will be Charizard. Here are the steps on how to draw Charmander.
How to Make a Drip Irrigator from a Plastic Bottle
Some plants require frequent watering that not everyone has the time for. If you find yourself with lots of thirsty plants and not enough time to water them in, you may want to set up a drip irrigation system. Buying pre-made ones from the store can get e...
How to Achieve Your Goals for the New School Year
It’s a great idea to make goals at the beginning of the school year to better yourself as a student and person. Everyone wants to achieve their goals, but it can be too easy to fall back into bad habits, such as procrastination, as the year progresses. Th...
How to Optimize Windows 7
If your Windows 7 computer is starting to chug, there are a variety of optimizations you can perform to breathe new life into it. The tweaks range in simplicity from a few clicks to installing new hardware. All of them will lead to performance increases o...
How to Remove Printer Ink on Paper
Printer ink may bond to the paper fibers or soak deep into the paper, making it much more difficult to remove than pen ink. However, as long as you do not expect bright white paper, there are several methods you can try. Before you begin, check the label...
How to Plant Hostas
Hostas make beautiful ground cover. Their large, striking leaves and small, delicate flowers are a great addition to any yard or garden. Hostas really aren’t hard to care for as long as you plant them at the right time and in the right spot, and we’ve got...
How to Tenderize Pork
Pork is one of the most versatile meats available, pairing well with both bright, acidic ingredients as well as full-flavored seasonings and accompaniments. However, unlike chicken, which is naturally tender, and beef, which can be kept tender by cooking...
2 Ways to Give Your Computer a Virus On Purpose
This wikiHow teaches you how to test your computer's antivirus program with a fake virus and how to use poor browsing and security habits to contract a computer infection. Keep in mind that actually getting a virus on your computer is incredibly risky and...