What to Say When a Family Member, Friend, or Acquaintance Is in the Hospital
What to Say When a Family Member, Friend, or Acquaintance Is in the Hospital
When someone you know is sick in the hospital, it can be hard to know how best to support them. Sending a quick, encouraging message over the phone or delivering it in person can do wonders to make your friend or family member feel better. Whether they’re in the hospital for a short stay or long term, we’ll provide you with a list of encouraging messages that are thoughtful, sweet, and bring a smile to their face.
Things You Should Know
  • Visit in-person to ask them how they’re doing and express your love and support when they’re seriously ill.
  • Call them on the phone to offer your help or to provide a listening ear when they need to vent.
  • Send an acquaintance or friend a funny video or make a joke about how you miss them when their injury or illness is less serious.

“Get well soon!”

This classic, sweet message can lift their spirits. A simple acknowledgement, whether it’s in-person or via text, shows that you’re there and rooting for their recovery. This message is best if they’re in the hospital for a temporary illness that they’ll recover from quickly. “Wishing you a speedy recovery!” “Rest up and feel better soon!” “I hope you’re back to yourself soon!”

“Everyone misses you! Rest up and feel better soon!”

This sweet text lets them know you can’t wait for them to recover. This is great for acquaintances or friends who are in the hospital for something less serious. Be specific and let them know you miss seeing them at school, around the gym, at work, or wherever you usually hang out. “Miss seeing you at the gym! Can’t wait to work on hitting our squat goals once you’ve recovered!” “The whole class was talking about how they miss your jokes! Get better soon so you can make us all laugh again!” “I finally turned in all those reports you had helped me out with! Get well soon – I feel like I’m going to need your expertise on my next project!”

“So sorry to hear you're sick. Can I bring you dinner sometime this week?”

Offer to help with day-to-day tasks to make their post-recovery easier. It’s important to make a specific suggestion, like mowing their lawn or picking up their mail, so the burden isn’t on them. This thoughtful text is great to send to a friend, family member, or colleague who will be in the hospital for a short time, or long-term. You can either state how you want to help them or ask for their permission. “Can I help with taking or picking up your kids from school?” “I picked up some blankets, pillows, and a movie to help you feel comfortable. I can drop them off tomorrow if that’s okay with you.” “Can I take care of your laundry while you're in the hospital?”

“How are you holding up?”

Give them the space to talk about the daily realities of being in the hospital. This message is best for an in-person visit if they are dealing with a serious illness. It’s okay if you need to prepare yourself for your visit, but when you get there simply be present during the conversation – sometimes that is all they need to know that you care. Showing empathy is key here. “How are you doing? I know it must be difficult being here.” “How’s the hospital treating you today?” “How are you feeling today?”

“Praying for a speedy recovery.”

If they are religious or spiritual, send a message that God is with them. This can be a comforting message for an acquaintance, friend, or family member to receive, whether it's via text or call. If you’re visiting them in-person, you can also say a prayer over them. “I know that God is watching over you during this difficult time.” “Keeping you in my prayers!” “Every day I pray to God that He will guide and heal you through this difficult time.”

“Sending all my love and support your way.”

If you can’t be there in person, a quick call can make them feel supported. A simple message like this lets them know that you’re there for them, even if you’re miles away. This is best for a close family member or friend who is dealing with a more serious illness or injury. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking about you.” “I heard that you’re in the hospital - sending all my good vibes your way.” “Wishing you warm thoughts and a quick recovery, friend.”

“If you want to talk, I’m just a call away.”

Let them know you’re there when they want to cry, laugh, or scream. Sick people can often feel like they’re a burden and don’t want to unload their complicated feelings on others. Validate their feelings and be a safe place for your friend to vent, whether that’s in-person, over the phone, or during a video call. “It’s okay if you need a shoulder to cry on, mine’s right here when you need it.” “I’m here to listen, whenever you need me!” “I don’t really know what to say, but I wanted to let you know I’m here if you need to vent.”

“I love you – wish I could be there with you.”

A simple “I love you” communicates your unconditional support. If you have a partner, family member, or close friend in the hospital with a serious illness, a quick reminder can comfort them and be all they need to know that you’re there. “Thinking of you every day. I love you.” “Just reminding you that I’m here and I love you.” “I hope you know that I love you, and nothing will ever change that.”

“Your strength and resilience are inspiring.”

A message admiring their strength can help them stay positive. It can be scary and isolating to be sick in the hospital, so a quick text encouraging your friend and family member can help them feel the bravery you see. When you’re being positive and optimistic, make sure you’re not dismissing their pain, negative feelings, or offering false promises of a guaranteed recovery. “You are so brave.” “I’m so proud of your positivity during this time. You’re amazing!” “I hope you know you are incredibly strong. You are such an inspiration!”

“I’m so thankful to know such a beautiful person, inside and out.”

Show your support and gratitude if they have a terminal illness. It’s important not to offer platitudes or empty encouragement when a close friend or family member is dealing with a severe sickness. Instead, visit them in-person and express how much they mean to you. “Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. I don’t think I’ve known a more kind and supportive person.” “Keeping you in my thoughts. Your friendship is one of the most important things to me. I love you.” “I’m so proud of the person you’ve become. You mean so much to me.”

“Can you get out of the hospital soon? Work is so boring without you!”

Let them know they are missed with a silly message. A text or phone call like this might make them smile and know that life isn’t the same without them there! Tell them that they need to get better so they can save you from boredom at school or work. “I actually learned something today in class without you there…get well soon because I couldn’t take it!” “I went to Sarah’s party but it wasn’t nearly as fun without you there! Get better soon so we can dance all night like we used to!” “I went out to brunch today and it wasn’t the same without you! Get better soon so we can make up for it!”

“I see you missed your daily apple…hope you feel better soon!”

A joking text is great to send for a less serious hospital stay. Send this to a friend or family member who you can tease about getting sick and being in the hospital. Humor can be someone’s coping mechanism if they’re dealing with a serious illness. Just be sure to follow their cue first before sending a message like this. “You really put yourself in the hospital just so you could avoid Dad’s cooking, huh? LOL” “I’m surprised this is your first time in the hospital since you’re so clumsy! But seriously, feel better soon!” “Not going to lie, I’m jealous of all the attention and jello you’re getting. Might have to join you, LOL!”

“I hope this cute baby duck video brightens your day!”

A silly video or meme can help get their mind off being sick. This is a great way to distract your friend or acquaintance and talk about something other than their current situation. It’s a simple way to make them laugh and show them that you care. “I saw this funny TikTok and it made me think of you!” “Have you seen the memes about the newest episode of House of the Dragon? I’ll send them to you, they’re hilarious!” “OMG have you seen the preview for the next episode of Bachelor in Paradise? The drama just doesn’t stop!”

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