She can’t keep her eyes off you.
Eye contact is one of the most universal signs of attraction. If a German girl likes you, she won’t be able to look away. Do her eyes linger on you even after you’ve finished talking? Can you feel her gaze on the back of your head in class? Does she hold your gaze longer than normal? These could all be signs that she likes you. Let her know you’re into her too by keeping your eyes on her. Direct eye contact is a sign of trust, so show her you trust her by looking in her eyes when you talk to her.
She makes subtle jokes when you’re around.
A German girl won’t be afraid to show you her humorous side if she likes you. While the stereotypes of German people lacking a sense of humor aren't true, don't expect her humor to be silly or obvious. She’s more likely to be ironic or sarcastic, teasing you when you least expect it. Play along with her sarcastic remarks and irony to show her you like her. She most likely doesn’t like clownish behavior, so try not to be the class clown or try to woo her with gags.
Look for subtle signs she's flirting.
A German girl won't be afraid to hint at what she wants, but the German people aren't known for over-the-top flirting. Save your best pick-up lines and over-the-top compliments for other girls, and go for the genuine approach instead. You'll do much better with honesty and sincerity than with cheesy flattery. Know that it can take some time for Germans to warm up to someone new. Acting confident and being persistent will go a long way to creating a connection between the two of you.
She touches you when she talks.
Germans don't often show physical affection with causal acquaintances, but she’ll make an exception if she likes you. In her culture, touching someone is less common. So if she’s stroking your arm or finding ways to bump or brush into you, she might be into you. Ask her if it’s okay if you hold her hand or put your arm around her shoulders. She will value you respecting her boundaries, and will know that your want for physical touch is a sign you like her too.
She says she likes you.
Germans value honesty, and she’ll be direct if she likes you. If you’re important to her, she’ll speak openly about her feelings toward you. So, keep the door open because you never know when she’ll let her feelings be known! When she reveals her feelings, be honest and open with her in return. Go up to her and tell her how you really feel, whether that’s in-person or through text. She will value your direct approach and candor.
Don't be surprised if she skips the small talk.
Unlike Americans, Germans are more likely to ditch the talk about the weather, and instead prefer casual conversations about sports or travel or food. It doesn't mean she isn't into you if she seems to avoid friendly chit-chat and dives straight into deeper topics. Don't be afraid to respectfully express honest disagreements—she'll likely be respect you for having your own opinions. If you like a German girl, spend some time learning about the news, current events, and other cultures. You'll know more about what she's likely to want to talk about, and be ready to share your own thoughts!
She plans fun activities with you.
Being a planner, she’ll go out of her way to schedule a day with you. You’re totally on her radar if she goes out of her way to plan adventures with you. Even if you’re just friends right now, this is her way of saying she might the relationship to be something more. She’ll most likely take you somewhere and tell you that it’s a date directly, so be prepared! Be straight-forward with her back and tell her exactly how you feel. Call your outings together dates to let her know you approve of where this is headed.
She introduces you to her family.
Family is extremely important to most Germans, and she won’t introduce them to just anybody. Her relationship with her family probably matters a lot to her, and if you're important to her, she’ll bring you to them. If you mesh with her family, she might want to move forward with a relationship! Build trust with her by introducing her to your family too. This will prove to her that you’re serious about a relationship.
Know what to expect if you date her.
There's no "one-size-fits-all" approach to dating a German girl, but there are a few things she'll probably expect. If you plan for these, you'll help set yourself up for success in wooing the girl of your dreams! Germans are known for "walking the talk." If she says she'll call you, expect that she will. And know she'll probably expect you to do the same. She'll likely value punctuality, so plan to be on time (or a little early!) when you get together. German women value being treated as equals in relationships, so don't be surprised if she offers to split bills at restaurants, and doesn't look someone to open doors for her or make other grand gestures. Germans tend to take things slowly in relationships, so don't expect things to develop super-quickly. Take your time and enjoy the journey!
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