How to Ride the SkyTrain in Vancouver
How to Ride the SkyTrain in Vancouver
Many people in British Columbia rely on public transit to commute. Originally built as a showcase for Expo 86, the SkyTrain is a rapid transit rail system that connects to several cities in the province's Metro Vancouver region. It's entirely grade-separated (meaning that there are no road or pedestrian crossings and that nearly the entire network is a combination of elevated and underground).

SkyTrain is also 100% automated and extensions have been built since the original line opened with further extensions being planned and built regularly. Whether you're a sightseeing tourist or a Vancouverite whose car is in the shop, this article will show you how to get around the area while enjoying an amazing panoramic view of urban British Columbia.

Fares and Route Planning

Learn about the fare zones and the gate system. TransLink, the body that governs public transit in Metro Vancouver, operates train lines with fare gates. This means in order to use the buses or trains, you'll need to tap your valid card or ticket onto the gate in order to access the network (usually in the form of your Compass Card or paper tickets, but this is outlined in detail in the next step). Fares on structured into three zones. Each zone is based on municipality and is colour-coded on transit maps. Zone 1 includes the city of Vancouver as well as the area surrounding the University of British Columbia (UBC). Coloured yellow in maps. Zone 2 includes the cities of Burnaby, New Westminster, and Richmond. Coloured red in maps. Zone 3 includes the cities of Surrey, Coquitlam, Port Moody, and Port Coquitlam. Coloured green in maps. Note that the zone number is independent from the number of zones you're crossing. For example, if you're travelling within Surrey, you would be in Zone 3 (because geographically, Surrey is in Zone 3), but you're only travelling within one zone (because you're not crossing any other zones).

Know which fare class you're in. Concession: children ages 5 to 13, high school students ages 14 to 19 with a valid GoCard (a card displaying the student's name, grade, and high school which enables the student to pay concession fare prices), seniors ages 65 and up, and those with disabilities with a valid HandyCard. Confession fares are generally cheaper. Adult: all other people not considered concession.

Decide how you're going to pay your fare. The most common way is using the Compass Card which can be purchased at stations and regularly reloaded either at fare vending machines or online. You can also tap your credit card or debit card at a fare gate. Note that compared to a Compass Card, the fare is slightly higher when directly entering the platform using this method. However, it is more convenient for the occasional user or tourists. U-Passes: available to students enrolled in participating universities only, the U-Pass is linked to the Compass Card via The cost of the U-Pass is included with student fees for the semester. Participating schools include UBC, Simon Fraser University, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and British Columbia Institute of Technology. Note that not all post-secondary institutions are included in the program.

Plan your route and prepare your fare. Take into account your final destination, the travel time, the time spent at the destination, and whether you plan on transferring to other vehicles. For example, if you're an adult living in Surrey and plan to spend a couple hours shopping at a mall in Burnaby, you can buy a single two-zone fare for the journey to the mall. At the end of your shopping session, you can buy the same single two-zone fare for the ride home since your previous ticket will have expired. Consider using TransLink's trip planner to organize your route.

Riding the SkyTrain

Travel to the nearest train station. Depending on where you live, you may need to hop on a bus and ride it all the way to the station. Some stations, such as Scott Road Station in Surrey, offer a park-and-ride service which allows you to drive to the station, use pay parking, and commute using the train.

Know which line you'll be riding. The SkyTrain has three lines on its network, which are colour coded in transit maps and signage. Expo Line: serves Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, and Surrey across 20 stations. Terminus stations are Waterfront in downtown Vancouver and King George in Surrey. Coloured dark blue in maps and signage. Millennium Line: serves Vancouver, Burnaby, and New Westminster across 13 stations. For a portion of the ride, the tracks are shared with the Expo Line, but splits at a transfer station and continues on its own track along North Burnaby. Terminus stations are Waterfront and VCC-Clark in Vancouver. Coloured yellow in maps and signage. Canada Line: serves downtown Vancouver, Richmond, and Vancouver International Airport across 16 stations Terminus stations are Waterfront, Richmond-Brighouse in Richmond, and YVR-Airport; the line splits at a transfer station and continues along two tracks to either Richmond-Brighouse or the airport. Coloured cyan in maps and signage.

Buy a fare or validate your prepaid ticket before going up to the trains.

Walk to the ground or concourse area, wherever the fare gates are located, and tap your card or ticket on the fare gate, and wait for the train. Elevators are provided if you're disabled or pushing a stroller. At this point, proof of payment is required to board the trains. You must keep your card or ticket with you throughout your journey until it expires or your trip is finished. Random ticket inspections may occur and you will be fined for fare evasion if you are caught with an invalid or nonexistent ticket. Attempting to bypass the fare gates, which is difficult nonetheless, is illegal.

Know whether you'll be transferring to another line during your commute. Pay attention to on-board announcements indicating the line of the current train. If you're waiting at a station, watch the LED signs displaying the line of the incoming train. Switch trains at Columbia if you're on an Expo Line train towards King George and you're wanting to transfer to the Millennium Line towards VCC-Clark, or vice versa. Switch trains at Commercial-Broadway if you're on an Expo Line train towards Waterfront and you're wanting to transfer to the Millennium Line towards VCC-Clark, or vice versa. Waterfront is the terminus station for the Expo Line and is also a transfer point to the Canada Line. Switch trains at Bridgeport if you're on a Canada Line train towards Richmond-Brighouse and you're wanting to go to the airport, or vice versa. If travelling on the Canada Line southbound in Vancouver, take the correct train. Southbound trains alternate between YVR Airport and Richmond-Brighouse, so if you need to travel southbound to a specific branch of the line, wait for the right train. The announcements and digital signs (at the station and on the trains) make identifying the correct train easy.

Display common public transit etiquette and safety practices. Wait for others to exit the train before boarding. Consider giving up your seat to the elderly and/or disabled, but don't feel obligated to do this, especially if you have an invisible physical disability yourself. Hold onto the poles when standing on a moving train. Avoid leaning onto the doors, as they open automatically, and keep your hands away from the door windows. If space is at a premium, remove your backpack and place it at your feet when standing to make more room. When sitting, only place your belongings on the seat next to you if the car isn't crowded. Refrain from wearing strong scents as you may trigger some people's allergies. Clean up after yourself when eating or drinking. Leave no garbage behind. Resist the urge to engage in large public displays of affection. Hand-holding and small kisses on the cheek are fine, but please don't spend 10 minutes making out on a crowded train. Consider investing in self-defense weapons, like mace, if you tend to use the SkyTrain at night.

Pay attention to the stations. When the train is approaching a station, an onboard announcement will state the name of the next station. Some newer trains have maps with LEDs that light up the remaining stations. If you're plugged in and can't hear the announcements, look out the window and watch for clues that indicate your station is next (e.g. station signage, buildings along the route, bridges).

React appropriately and calmly should an emergency occur. All cars on the SkyTrain fleet are equipped with both two-way speakerphones and yellow silent alarm strips to contact SkyTrain control operators in the event of an emergency or security threat. There is cell coverage underground, so if you need to report suspicious activity or behaviour to Transit Police, call or text 87-77-77. If the train needs to be evacuated, follow the instructions of all SkyTrain employees. Under no circumstances should you attempt to exit the train without guided assistance. You will risk electrocution because SkyTrain is powered by an electrified third rail. If a fire breaks out, contact SkyTrain personnel using alarms and open all the windows to clear out smoke.

Take advantage of window and end-of-the-train seats. A portion of the track is underground, but, as the name implies, SkyTrain is mostly elevated above the ground and gives riders a great view of Metro Vancouver! At night, the geodesic dome of Science World near Main Street-Science World station illuminates the sky with dots of blue light. During hockey games at the Rogers Arena near Stadium-Chinatown station, the arena lights up blue, one of the colours of the Vancouver Canucks.

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