How to Make Honey Lip Scrub
How to Make Honey Lip Scrub
Honey scrub is a great way to moisturize your lips and exfoliate the dead skin around them. Mixing your own homemade version is a fun project that lets you customize the scrub exactly how you need. Remember that your lips are very sensitive areas, and scrub no more than once or twice a week.

Making Honey Lip Scrub

Microwave a spoonful of honey. Start with 1 tbsp (15mL) honey. Microwave it for about 20 seconds, until the honey is mostly liquid. This makes it easy and fast to mix in the sugar.

Stir in a little natural oil. Stir in 1 tsp (5mL) oil to keep your lip scrub smooth and help moisturize your lips. Olive oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, and almond oil are popular options that keep the lip scrub light.

Add a spoonful of sugar. Stir in 2 tsp (10mL) sugar, an exfoliant that scrapes away dead skin. Most people prefer brown sugar, which can be a little softer than white granulated sugar. If you have sensitive or sore lips, use superfine (caster) sugar instead, which has extra-small, gentle grains. Your lips themselves carry very little dead skin. A little exfoliation might help, especially if the skin around your lips is flaky, but moisturizing is often more important. This scrub does both. If all of your sugar dissolves, just add in more until the mixture is a little gritty.

Rub the mixture onto your lips. Dip a clean finger or cotton swab into the scrub, making sure you pick up some sugar grains. Gently rub this over your lips for about 10 seconds. Some of the sugar might dissolve, while other grains will sit on top of your lips.

Leave on for up to two minutes. Exfoliation should only take a few seconds, but the scrub can also moisturize your lips and soothe cracks and sores.

Rinse off with warm water. We won't tell anyone if you decide to lick it off instead. Once it's gone, check out your lips in the mirror. Hopefully, they look fresher and feel smoother. If you're looking to keep your lips moisturized long-term, apply homemade lip balm after rinsing.

Store the rest of the lip scrub. An old eyeshadow or lip balm case will work perfectly, although sterilizing is recommended to avoid germs. Depending on how fresh your oil was, this usually lasts about one or two weeks in the fridge before it becomes moldy or rancid. If the honey crystallizes, just place the container in a shallow bowl of hot tap water until the honey melts. Honey is a natural preservative, making this safer than most homemade scrubs. It is much less effective when diluted, so don't expect an oil-heavy recipe to last too long.


Adjust the ratio of ingredients. There are many variations on this recipe, and it all comes down to personal needs. If you're not satisfied with the scrub, try these changes: If your lips are extra-dry, add another 2 tsp (10mL) oil. If your lips are sore or rubbed raw, mix in more honey until the scrub feels soft against your lips. If your lips still feel flaky after scrubbing, try a lip balm first. You can try to add more sugar to the scrub instead, but this can backfire by making your lips raw and damaged.

Switch to a heavier oil for extra moisture. Shea butter or coconut oil contain beneficial fats that add smoothness and flexibility to skin and lips. Whip the product to make it smoother, then stir 1 tsp (5mL) into your lip scrub — or replace the oil completely. If these feel too greasy to you, try jojoba oil or another light, extra-moisturizing oil. Petroleum jelly is not a great choice for a lip scrub since the lips won't absorb it. It's better in a lip balm, where it sits on top of your lips and stops moisture from evaporating.

Flavor the scrub with vanilla extract. Is it possible to make sugar and honey even more delicious? Answer the question by stirring in ⅛ tsp (0.6mL) vanilla extract, or another food-safe extract. These extracts do contain alcohol, which can dry out your lips.

Add essential oils cautiously. Essential oils can add a great scent and possible health benefits, but many can burn your lips or even poison you if ingested. Check with a doctor or an experienced herbalist before adding one to your lip balm. If you do find a safe option, just stir in two or three drops (or 1–2 drops per tbsp/15mL of lip scrub). Lavender, sweet orange, and green mandarin essential oils are typically safe for lips. Peppermint, spearmint, cornmint, and tea tree oils are popular choices, but should never be used on young children. Overuse can also dry out your lips. "Synthetic Flavor Oils" are non-natural alternatives that are generally safe for lips.

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