How to Earn Money As a Teen Who Can't Get a Job
How to Earn Money As a Teen Who Can't Get a Job
Earning money as a teen can be difficult. Certain jobs, for instance, are unavailable to teens. Young people also have to balance school and other obligations with the desire to make money. With some creativity and persistence, however, you can earn money in various ways, such as selling items, doing odd jobs, being savvy online, and making good use of any money you already have.

Selling Things You Own

Think about things you can sell. One of the easiest ways to make money on the side is to sell things you no longer need. Look around your house or yard for things you have but are willing to part with for some money. You will have the easiest time earning some extra cash this way if the items are in good condition and are desired by others (it will be hard to sell a broken video game console, or your personal collection of gum wrappers, for instance). Things that can have good resale value include: Books Video games CDs or records DVDs Gently-used name brand clothing Jewelry Smartphones Computers Tablets Musical instruments and equipment Bicycles Cans and bottles (in some states, you can get a refund for these; otherwise, you might be able to sell them to a recycling center)

Look for ways to sell your items. You might already know some friends that would like to buy your stuff. If not, you'll need to find some ways to advertise the things you have and connect to buyers. Some options include: Online auction sites such as eBay “For Sale” postings (these can be posted to a bulletin board, in a newspaper, or on an online classifieds board like Craigslist) Online retailers like Amazon or (these sites usually charge a small fee or percentage of your profit) Yard sales Flea markets Pawn shops Trade-in at stores (this works for certain items; some stores will buy used clothing, CDs and Records, or books, for instance)

Set a price for your items. Deciding how much to sell you stuff for can be difficult. If you are selling via an auction, you can let the price be determined by the highest bidder. Otherwise, you can either set a price or ask potential buyers to make you an offer. You are more likely to make a sale, however, if you set a price for your buyers. Your price might be determined by market demand. For instance, if you are selling a used smartphone that you know people can purchase for $100, you are most likely to make a sale if you sell it for $100 or less. You can get a good sense of the price to sell an item by looking for how much comparable items sell for online. For instance, if the used smartphone you want to sell appears for $90 to $125 on online retailers, you can set a price that is within or below this range. If you really want to make some money, you might consider selling your item for well below its going rate. If you advertise the smartphone for only $75, for instance, you can have a better chance of making a sale. However, you might not want to part with your items for less than they are worth.

Let others sell things for you. Some online retailers will give you a certain price for items such as books, DVDs, or electronic devices, and then resell them. All you have to do is send the item to the retailer, and collect your money. This can make the process easy. However, the amount you will get from selling your items this way will probably be less than if you sold them yourself.

Consider renting out your stuff if you don't want to sell it. Some items are in high demand but only needed for a short time, and so you might be able to make money by renting these out to other people. Possible items to rent include tools, camping equipment, gaming consoles, DVDs, and musical instruments. There are websites that you can use to advertise the items you have for rent. However, these sites usually charge a small fee or percentage of your profit. You will have to decide if you will charge people a flat fee to rent an item, or if you will charge a certain amount by the hour/day/week/etc.

Working on the Side

Consider if you are able to work some odd jobs. If you have the time and permission, you might be able to work on the side or “under the table.” While these jobs typically don't have the long-term commitment that comes from traditional employment (or the regular paycheck), that can still be a good way to earn some extra money. If you are too young or don't have the time to take on a regular job, work on the side can still be lucrative.

Think about services you can offer for money. People need help doing all sorts of things, so you don't necessarily need to have a lot of experience or talent to make money from odd jobs. Common tasks people are willing to hire teens for include: Babysitting (It will help to pass a CPR class or other certification, or to know parents with kids) Dog walking Pet sitting Plant sitting (watering and caring for plants while their owners are away) Yardwork (mowing, raking, trimming hedges, clearing yards, shoveling snow, cleaning gutters, etc.) Picking up groceries or run other errands for the elderly Doing chores for others (cleaning house, doing dishes, clearing out an attic, etc.) Washing cars Helping people pack and/or move

Use your talents. If you have a special ability or talent, you might be able to make money by using it. Performances, artwork, clothing and many other expressive outlets can be ways of bringing in some cash. For instance, you could make money by: Busking (singing, playing an instrument, juggling, etc. on a street; make sure it is one where lots of people walk by, and where you have permission to perform) Singing at weddings Performing at parties (making balloon animals, doing magic tricks, etc.) Making T-Shirts Selling baked goods, candy, lemonade, etc. Woodworking (furniture, birdhouses, etc.) Selling crafts you make (art, knitted or sewn items, etc.) on sites such as Etsy, at craft fairs and farmers' markets, etc.

Sell your knowledge. If you have knowledge of a subject or ability that is in demand, you might be able to make money by using it to help others, or by teaching others. If you are knowledgeable about technology, you could try helping others with computer problems for money. If you do well in school, you could earn money by tutoring students in subjects (math, science, foreign languages, history, writing, etc.) If you are knowledgeable in an area such as music or swimming, you could give lessons to others for money. If you can prove your knowledge or ability, you will have an easier time making money from it. For instance, if you want to tutor students, you should mention your high grades in the subject(s) you offer. Likewise, if want to teach music lessons, you should mention how many years you have studied, and/or your accomplishments in the area.

Decide how much to charge for your items or services. You can set a price for your items that is based either on market demand, or what you think they are worth. If offering services, you will have to decide if you will choose a flat fee or request payment by the hour. For instance, you might charge a flat fee of $100 to mow a neighbor's yard, or $25 per hour to do it; you can earn more charging by the hour in this case if it takes more than four hours to mow the lawn.

Advertise. You will also need to find people with tasks that need doing, or let them know about services you offer. For instance, you could have parents or adult friends spread the word, post an advertisement on a bulletin board or online, or go door-to-door in your neighborhood). You can also post a list of things you are offering to help with, such as babysitting, yardwork, or tutoring.

Earning Money Online

Take online surveys. There are ways of making money by taking surveys online. Merchants use survey responses to find ways of better marketing their products and/or services. Usually, the amount you earn per survey is very low, but it can add up over time. Not all surveys are available to those under 18. Beware of scams, such as survey sites that ask you to pay a fee or enter credit card information to sign up.

Use apps that earn you money. Certain apps will pay you to do things like scan barcodes of products in stores or take surveys. As with online surveys: The amount you can earn per task is usually low, but can add up. Some tasks might not be available to those under 18. Beware of scams, such as money-earning apps that ask you to pay a fee or enter credit card information to sign up.

Earn money via blogging and social media. It is difficult but not impossible to earn money online by attracting people to your social media. For instance, blogging about books, DVDs, etc. can earn you money if readers buy these items from participating retails by clicking links on your site. Likewise, if you start earn enough followers or visitors to your social media site, merchants might pay you to advertise on your site or profile. Some programs will allow you to sign up to show ads on your site to potentially earn money. Normally, you will need very high numbers of followers or visitors in order to make money this way. It will help if your social media profile or content is unique and useful or interesting to others.

Making Money Other Ways

Borrow money. When you need money and don't have another way to get it, you can always ask to borrow some from family or friends, like many teens do. You are more likely to get them to agree if you can say the specific purpose for the money, and tell them when you will be able to pay it back.

Ask your parent or guardian to give you money. Asking your parents for an allowance isn't always easy to do. However, they might be more likely to agree if you have been doing well at home and school, and if you offer to do chores or something else in return for the allowance.

Have your money make money. If you have some money that you don't want to or need to use for a specific purpose, you can consider saving or investing it. Savings accounts, bonds, stocks, mutual funds, and other investments can earn interest and increase the amount of money you have. However, these methods require you to not use your money during the time that it is invested. Many investments carry some degree if risk that you might lose money, so make sure you can handle this possible outcome. In other words, you might not want to invest money if you know you need it for something else. Depending on your age and the type of investment, you might need an adult to help you open an account. If your parents support the idea of you investing, you might ask them to match the funds you put away. For instance, you can ask them to contribute $25 for every $100 that you save, so that you will actually save $125 every time instead of $100 each time. You can also promise not to withdraw the money for a certain amount of time, such as until you are 25. Saving even a little bit can make a difference over time. Consider trying hard to make yourself save at least a little bit whenever you can, instead of spending all of your money.

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