How to Change Button Color in Javascript
How to Change Button Color in Javascript
This wikiHow article will teach you how to change the button color once it's clicked using JavaScript. Changing the button color lets users know that they have already clicked the button on your page.

Open your project in a Java-editing environment. This can be anything like Visual Studio or Oracle JDeveloper.

Enter the following code into your program to change the button's color with onclick: This code prompts the buttons to change the color of your text from green to red. You can replace these colors with others you prefer.

Enter the following code into your program if you want to change the button's color when a text field is filled in: Document

Using an statement, the button is skyblue until the input field is filled, then it changes to a green button. If you want to change the colors, you can either use color names like "Green" or "Skyblue," Hexadecimal numbers (which you can find by searching Hexadecimal colors), or RGB colors (which you can also find by a simple internet search). To change the colors in the code, replace the "green" and "skyblue" colors in the code style.background.

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