How To
How to Give a Baby a Bath in the Sink
There are several different options, including standalone baby bathtubs and sink inserts, that you can use to bathe your baby. Bathing your baby will involve using one arm to hold your baby securely whenever they are in water. Bathing your baby easily and...
How to Build a Love Fort
Growing up, building a fort was a fun and easy way to hide out and escape the real world. But just because you're not a kid anymore doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy the same simple pleasures. Build a fort for your lover and use it whenever the two of you...
How to Activate Baking Soda
Baking soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda, is an alkaline substance that reacts to acidic substances, including most liquids. The reaction gives off carbon dioxide gas. Baking soda is often used in baking, personal cleansers and science projects beca...
How to Take Care of Your Skin and Hair by Taking Care of Your Mental Health
Are you worried about your skin and hair? You take care of them so much, but you still have age marks, dark circles and hair fall. Have you ever thought that it can happen because of your mental health? Yes, it can happen! Caring for your mental health ca...
How to Request the Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation is when confirmands receive the Holy Spirit and are considered full members of the Catholic Church. One of the steps in the ~ 2 year process of preparing for confirmation is requesting the sacrament. In most churches, confirmands write a lett...
How to Cut Down or Quit Marijuana
There are many reasons people choose to cut down on or quit using marijuana. For some it is a legal or career reason; for others cost, health, or general lifestyle changes are the primary reasons. Regardless, with determination and support, there are ways...
How to Conduct a Science Experiment
Experimentation is the method by which scientists test natural phenomena in the hopes of gaining new knowledge.. Good experiments follow a logical design to isolate and test specific, precisely-defined variables. By learning the fundamental principles beh...
How to Do Bicep Curl Resistance Band Exercises
Resistance bands are lightweight and versatile pieces of workout equipment that you can use to exercise any part of your body. When you want to work out your upper arms, bicep curls with your resistance band are great for a medium-intensity exercise. You...
How to High Five
What better way to express your joy than by slamming your palm at mach speed into your buddy's? The resulting thunderclap serves not just as a celebration of your own glory but also as a cacophonous warning blast to any would-be competitors within earshot...
How to Limit Your Facebook Profile Exposure
There are a variety of reasons to want to limit your Facebook profile exposure. You may only want to use Facebook to communicate with a small group of close friends, or you may not want people who aren't your friends to view photos of you or other informa...
How to Pump a Spalding Neverflat Basketball
The manufacturer of Neverflat balls guarantees one year without going flat. If you're still under that warranty, you might get a free replacement. After the warranty is up, you'll need to pump the ball just like you would any other basketball.
How to Propose To a Boy Who Is Not a Friend
To propose someone you need to be his friend first, if you know him,talk to him, only then you will be able to propose him. Here are some easy steps on how to propose to him.
How to Defend Yourself from Bullies
Being bullied by someone can lower your self-esteem and affect how well you’re doing in school. While it’s usually best to talk to a parent or teacher about your bully, there are ways you can deal with bullies if you aren’t able to tell anyone immediately...
How to Say the Date in Spanish
Writing or saying the date in Spanish can be confusing at first because in Spanish the day comes first, followed by the month. But Spanish can be easier because there's only one way to say the date – not multiple ways as there are in English. To say the d...
How to Remove Coffee Stains from a Car Seat
Many people like to take their coffee on the go in the car, to save time and enjoy it on the morning commute to work or other activities. However, movement in the car and other mishaps can easily cause coffee to spill, leaving stubborn brown coffee stains...
How to Maintain Computers in a Lab
Computer labs, or computer clusters, give many people access to computer programs and the Internet. Schools, public libraries, hotels and government offices and companies set up computer labs that contain a large quantity of computers, printers, scanners...